High clue tamagotchis

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections


Postby dobrichev » Thu Sep 18, 2014 6:32 am

Recent 39s
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A {-5,+} pass over the latest 953 39s gave 0 new 39s and only 304 new 38s.

Finally I reduced the solver calls to 36 per puzzle and a batch of 70,000 37+ clue puzzles is processed down to 35 and up to valid minimal puzzles for about 4h 40m, which is about 4 times faster than the tools I used when the 40s appear.

Seems that the continental part is covered, along with Everest. Hawai have higher height from the bottom to top but still have less absolute altitude, suggesting that discovering more 40-clue minimal puzzles by neighbourhood search, even in islands, isn't very promising.

39s still continue to appear after more and more frequent seeding with 36s.
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Island hops ?

Postby blue » Thu Sep 18, 2014 7:21 pm

Hi Mladen,

Congratulations on the success of your speedup efforts (!), and great job as always, on the 39's front.

Here are a few 39's you don't have yet -- 26 of them.

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I been running my (comparitively weak) process using your latest 39's as input, all along.
I usualy get a few new ones, and you usually hit them too, a short time later.
I run something even weaker on your 38's, altgough the last time it produced very little (if anything at all ?).

Anyway ... over time, a (very) short list that you might never hit, has been accumulating.

Some details:
When you were at 1582 39's and 922706 38's, from those I had 24 additional 39's.
When you went to 1681 39's, you hit 3 of the 24, and I got another 3 back.
This time (1800 39's), you hit 5 that I had (including the 3 recent ones), and I got another 7 back.
You'll likely hit those too. They're at the end of the list above.

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Re: High clue tamagotchis

Postby dobrichev » Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:16 pm

Hi Blue,

Thanks for the input and congratulations for your findings. Glad to see that I am not alone in this search.

Assuming the main difference between our processes is your reduction of the clues in the non-minimal twins, do you have observations which part of the twin should be minimized - the permuted UA, the rest clues, or both?

Till now I involved only the twins of the discovered 36s in the process, hoping that they could bring faster to new regions. It looks that even that is true, it still can't cover your process.

None of your 26 new 39s aren't rediscovered yet by my process. There are 8 more 39s so far and within minutes I expect few more to appear.
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1800 + blue's 26 + 7+5=1838

Postby dobrichev » Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:38 pm

Latest 39s
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Re: 1681+33+13+8+4+1+3+12+15+20+10=1800

Postby coloin » Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:21 am

dobrichev wrote:........
Seems that the continental part is covered, along with Everest. Hawai have higher height from the bottom to top but still have less absolute altitude, suggesting that discovering more 40-clue minimal puzzles by neighbourhood search, even in islands, isn't very promising.,,,,

Indeed impressive work.

Like other searches in the past eg 17-puzzles, the analogy of search methods I feel is more akin to a fisherman with a trawler net in a completely enclosed scottish loch - there are approx 1e26 imortal fish / minimal puzzles. Most of the fish are irrelevant and are smaller than the very big ones we are trying to catch. The imortal static very large fish are distributed in shoals - but there are many solitary individuals on the surface and deep down. Your fishing methods vary from intense local searches with a big net to a wide scope trawl with many small nets at different depths. There will be some fish which just manage to evade the net. All fish are tagged and returned ! In the case of the 40-puzzles found - these massive fish were found pretty much lurking on their own !

I feel the more productive searches now are the wide scoped special net trawl - at least thats where i have found some more 9plus12s .....4 more / 147 total

However, the captain of the trawler will never know if he has tagged all the big fish .......

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Postby dobrichev » Fri Sep 26, 2014 5:04 am

Latest 39s with Blue's findings involved in the process.
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Entire 39s and 38s collections are updated in https://sites.google.com/site/dobrichev/sudoku-puzzle-collections. So far there are 2x40,1,910x39, 1,236,801x38, 151,177,400x37 and about 2e9x36.

@Coloin: I hope, unlike the fishes in the water, the puzzles aren't moving. We just see too many reflections and refractions of the fishes from the different perspectives. Also I hope no tags will be lost in time as it happened in former sudoku forum and now in programmers' forum.
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Postby dobrichev » Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:05 pm

The collection reached 2000 39s.
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...........1.23.4523.4.671..165.2.373...... #2000

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So far there are 2x40; 2,002x39; 1,355,326x38; 174,291,001x37 known puzzles.
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Re: High clue tamagotchis

Postby dobrichev » Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:46 pm

Serg wrote:I took a look at your 39-clue puzzles. It seems all of them have only 8 digits (1-8) among their clues. Right?

Actually some 39s with all 9 digits appeared.
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Postby dobrichev » Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:51 pm

Some new 39s
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Postby dobrichev » Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:31 pm

Here are the results from the latest batch
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The counters so far are
2 x 40
2064 x 39
1448039 x 38
196045433 x 37

The 39s and 38s are updated to https://sites.google.com/site/dobrichev/sudoku-puzzle-collections. The 38s are split into 2 parts due to the site limitation of 20MB per file.
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Postby dobrichev » Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:19 am

Some more 39s
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Re: High clue tamagotchis

Postby dobrichev » Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:47 pm

6 out of 1859 solution grids having known 39s are uniquely defined by the 42-given complementary of the 39s puzzles.

One of them have in its complementary two 31-given minimal puzzles
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..........571.92...693.2.5...6..831.   39
1.3..6789.......368...7.......59...7..1.4..9.7....14..3....46..   31
123.567.........36....7.1..24..9...7..1.4....7....14..3....46..6...   31

The minimization of all complementaries gave 643320 puzzles, one of them has 21 clues, the above two have 31 clues, others are in between.
2145 known 39s were examined.
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Postby dobrichev » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:06 pm

2156 x 39 so far.
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An upper limit of 3000 or even 2500 is very realistic.
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Postby dobrichev » Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:07 am

Some new 39s
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The counters are
2 x 40
2250 x 39
1735895 x 38
261878679 x 37
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Postby dobrichev » Sat Jan 24, 2015 8:51 pm

72 new 39s
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The counters:
2 x 40
2,322 x 39
1,843,360 x 38
290,431,161 x 37
6,670,290,000 x 36

The number of 36s exeeded the number of grids, so most grids are expected to have a 36-given minimal puzzle.
Is this collection of 36s the largest systematic collection of sudoku puzzles ever done?

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