pjb wrote:PS Totuan, how do you get the eliminations -8 r9c7and -8 r7c9?
Thanks for noticing that and more...for r1c7, r3c9. I corrected.
pjb wrote:PS Totuan, how do you get the eliminations -8 r9c7and -8 r7c9?
pjb wrote:The reverse is rarer (eg ..3.....1.2...4.7.6.....8.......7.9....26.....5.3....7..1.....6.9.5...4.8.....3.. has an SK loop and MF, but not MSLS).
However when the eliminations from any follow-on tuples are made, they willalwaysusually produce the same result as some eliminations will simply switch categories.
3568 3458 4679 |4679 568 458 |79 1 2
1568 1458 4679 |4679 12568 12458 |79 568 3
1567*8 1589# 2 |3 15689* 157#8 |4 568 68
237# 2349* 1 |8 236 234 |236 7*9# 5
235 6 349# |124 7 1235 |8 2349 149
2358 2358 347* |1246 1235 9 |123 23467 1467
1236 123 8 |5 1239# 1237* |1236 479 479
9 123 36 |127# 4 1238 |5 2368 1678
4 7 5 |129* 1238 6 |123 238 189
358 3458 679 |479 568 58 |79 1 2
158 458 679 |479 12568 1258 |79 568 3
157*8 589# 2 |3 15689* 157#8 |4 568 68
237# 39* 1 |8 23 4 |6 7*9# 5
235 6 49# |12 7 1235 |8 2349 149
2358 358 47* |6 1235 9 |123 2347 147
6 12 8 |5 1239# 1237* |123 479 479
9 12 3 |127# 4 128 |5 268 1678
4 7 5 |129* 1238 6 |123 238 189
358 3458 679 |479 568 58 |79 1 2
158 458 679 |479 1568 2 |79 568 3
1578 589 2 |3 15689 1578 |4 568 68
237 39 1 |8 2 4 |6 79 5
25 6 49 |1 7 35 |8 23 49
258 58 47 |6 35 9 |23 47 1
6 12 8 |5 139 137 |123 49 47
9 12 3 |27 4 18 |5 268 678
4 7 5 |29 138 6 |123 238 89
pjb wrote:David
You're perfectly correct (as usual). With this puzzle they each produce the same 46 eliminations after their follow-ons. However, I'm not convinced from experience that this is always the case. For starters I can produce examples where I can find an SK loop but not MSLS or MF, and same for each. The basic Base 4 4x4 MSLS's usually have an SK loop, but others (Base 4, 4x5,5x4, 4x3, etc and Base 3) usually don't. The reverse is rarer (eg ..3.....1.2...4.7.6.....8.......7.9....26.....5.3....7..1.....6.9.5...4.8.....3.. has an SK loop and MF, but not MSLS). Maybe my implementation of MSLS's is lacking. Puzzles having a Variant SK loop usually do not have MSLS's but occasionally have an MF's. Once we stray from the "vanilla" examples of these strategies, it's not so simple.