Explain these logically (1-5)

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Explain these logically (1-5)

Postby udosuk » Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:39 am

The following incidents might sound bizarre, but they all have perfectly logical reasons behind. Could you explain them?

The CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit) receives 100% reliable information that Jack Fox, the right hand man of a famous terrorist group leader not unlike Osama Bin Laden, is planning a suicidal bombing attack at a summit conference where important leaders such as George W. Bush and Tony Blair are attending. An hour before the summit, with more intelligence work they've located Jack Fox inside the underground carpark, and agents are instructed to shoot him cold on sight, before he has any chance of detonating his bomb. Problem is, they don't have any accurate photo of Jack and have absolutely no idea what he looks alike. After securing the area they rushed in, and 4 persons appear before them: a security guard checking up things, a truck driver delivering goods, an electrician repairing light tubes and a policeman on patrol. One of these 4 is disguised by Jack and the other 3 are innocent people. The agents have never seen any face among these 4 people, and do not know the identity of any of them. However, without any hesitation the agents all fire at the policeman in the head, killing him instantly. WHY?

A huge fire breaks out in a 60-storey skyscraper. Unfortunately even the emergency stairs are blocked. As smoke is starting to fill up the room, Jane, the personnel manager of the financial company on the 53rd floor can stand no more. Breaking the window glass with her chair, she then jumps outside the window, and falls onto the street. There is no cushion below her, she is not wearing a parachute, and is not attached to any string or belt etc. Yet she escapes without any injury at all. WHY?

Tammy, much to her distress, witnessed her husband coldly murdered by her sister Sally. And someone even accidentally video-taped down the whole process. As this case goes to court, the jury has unanimous decision that Sally is guilty of charge. Although Tammy hates Sally to the guts, she demands the judge to spare her sister of any punishment, and the judge does. WHY?

Tommy and his much beloved wife Maria are racing their expensive Ferrari sporting car through the streets. Then they pull up alongside the road, and Tommy gets out of the car. 2 minutes later when Tommy comes back, he finds Maria dead inside the car, along with a person that he hasn't seen before in his whole life. He then embraces that person and cries hysterically. WHY?

Jason is driving alone in his BMW when the car skids off at 90 km/h, crashes through a fence, bounces down a steep ravine and then plunges into a rapidly flowing river. Slowly settling into the water, Jason realizes both of his arms are broken, and he can't release the buckle of the seat belt. Hence he is hopelessly trapped inside the car and has no way to escape. Eventually the car sinks to the bottom of the river. Three hours later, rescuers arrive, and as they pull the car up from the bottom of the river, discover Jason's body still inside it. However, Jason is alive and healthy (except for the broken arms). WHY?

If you know the answers, please do not answer them all at once... One question at a time please...
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Postby coloin » Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:34 pm

1,2,4&5 are all pretty impossible !

3- Is Sally the Judge , pregnant with Tammy's unborn surrogate child ?

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Postby underquark » Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:40 pm

3] Are Tammy and Sally conjoint (Siamese) twins?
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Postby coloin » Wed Jul 05, 2006 5:09 pm

Is Jane jumping from ground level ? - leaving all her colleagues on the 53rd floor to die of smoke inhalation. Darn those managers.

Ahh Ive got it !
Did the truck driver have trouble parking the truck ?

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Postby Hud » Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:46 pm

5. Is the river so shallow that Jason doesn't drown?
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Postby underquark » Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:51 pm

4] Has Maria died during childbirth?

Hey, time to wake up and give us some clues, udosuk.
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Postby coloin » Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:37 pm

underquark wrote:4] Has Maria died during childbirth?

I thought that but.....It would be a very quick delivery and death.............

..........Unless the Ferrari gets wrote off going under the chasis of a lorry, Tommy gets ejected from the vehicle , the wife gets decapitated, a passing obstetrician whips out the baby, meanwhile Tommy crawls back.........ooh more than enough to be hysterical.....where is the baby seat going to go !

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Postby JPF » Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:58 pm

1) was the policeman too small ?
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Explain these logically (1 to 5)

Postby Cec » Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:37 pm

(1) The agents notice a bomb is strapped to the policeman!

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Postby coloin » Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:35 am

-5- Jason is a lucky fella

Not only did a fishbowl from the back seat get stuck over his head, but an oxygen cylinder [he was a raver] with a little tube delivered 2l/min oxygen into the upside down fishbowl [on his head]. This displaced the water from the bowl .

As I say he was very lucky

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Postby udosuk » Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:00 am

Geez, fallen into a deep sleep... (Zidane was so good and Hewitt was so bad!)

underquark had #3, #4 correct, but I like coloin's imagination on both!

coloin got #2... It was lunchtime and Jane was having lunch in the restaurant on ground floor!

Hud got #5... But again coloin's demonstrated his imagination!

Nobody got #1 so far... The bomb is supposed to be hidden under the clothing and would not be noticeable to anyone (as any professional suicidal bomber would use)...

Okay, if the policeman is too small then he might be a police imposter... But still it doesn't necessary make him the terrorist...

What's the truck driver having trouble parking have anything to do with these!?:?:

Hinter wrote:When the agents saw those 4 people, within a second they're certain (without any doubt) Jack Fox must be the policeman (albeit they couldn't see anything resembling a bomb being close to him). WHY?
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Postby MCC » Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:27 am

#1 - If only Jack Fox had taken his mother's advice and got his hair cut.

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Postby udosuk » Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:26 am

Jack Fox, the right hand man of a famous terrorist group leader, was born an orphan... He's also a master of disguise and would not commit novice mistakes such as having long hair when dressing up as a policeman... If he wants to disguise as a policeman then you bet he'll be as convincing as it gets...

That the agents spotted the policeman as Jack Fox is not due to any mistakes from Jack's part...
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Postby MCC » Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:30 pm

All people within the conference centre would have ID cards, their identities would be known to the CTU, this would including the identities of the police assigned to do duty at the centre.

So, CTU would have photo IDs of all people within the centre, Jack Fox's photo would not have been among them, ergo, the policeman was Jack Fox.

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Postby underquark » Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:54 pm

@MCC - but if he's a master of disguise he would have disguised himself as someone "on the list". Did he, however, disguise himself too well and make himself look like one of the CTU guys?
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