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Leren wrote:
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Leren wrote:An easy hint. What are Phasmatodeans ? Leren
Leren wrote:An easy hint. What are Phasmatodeans ? Leren
| 0 | 3 | 5 |
| 6 | 3 | 5 |
| 6 | 3 | 5 |
| 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 6 |
| 1 | 3 | 5 |
| 6 | 3 | 5 |
| 6 | 3 | 5 |
| 3 | 3 | 5 |
| 6 | 3 | 5 |
| 7 | 3 | 5 |
| 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 6 |
...|...|... .2.|...|...
...|..1|.23 .5.|..1|.23
1..|23.|456 1..|23.|456
---+---+--- ---+---+---
.12|7..|5.4 .12|7..|5.4
64.|1..|.72 64.|1..|.72
7.5|.2.|.6. 7.5|.2.|.6.
---+---+--- ---+---+---
.31|.8.|64. 231|.8.|64.
5.4|.1.|.38 5.4|.1.|.38
86.|3..|..5 86.|3..|..5
...|...|... .2.|...|...
...|..1|.23 .5.|..1|.23
1..|23.|456 1..|23.|456
---+---+--- ---+---+---
.31|.8.|64. 231|.8.|64.
5.4|.1.|.38 5.4|.1.|.38
86.|3..|..5 86.|3..|..5
---+---+--- ---+---+---
.12|7..|5.4 .12|7..|5.4
64.|1..|.72 64.|1..|.72
7.5|.2.|.6. 7.5|.2.|.6.
...|...|... ..2|...|...
...|..1|.32 ..5|..1|.32
1..|32.|465 1..|32.|465
---+---+--- ---+---+---
.13|8..|6.4 213|8..|6.4
54.|1..|.83 54.|1..|.83
8.6|.3.|.5. 8.6|.3.|.5.
---+---+--- ---+---+---
.21|.7.|54. .21|.7.|54.
6.4|.1.|.27 6.4|.1.|.27
75.|2..|..6 75.|2..|..6
...|...|... ..3|...|...
...|..1|.23 ..6|..1|.23
1..|23.|456 1..|23.|456
---+---+--- ---+---+---
.12|7..|5.4 312|7..|5.4
64.|1..|.72 64.|1..|.72
7.5|.2.|.6. 7.5|.2.|.6.
---+---+--- ---+---+---
.31|.8.|64. .31|.8.|64.
5.4|.1.|.38 5.4|.1.|.38
86.|3..|..5 86.|3..|..5
equals start differs start
puzzle puzzle @r1c23, r2c23, r47c1
| *49-23 25789 36789 | 45689 45679 *49-5678 | *19-78 189 179 |
| *49 5789 6789 | 45689 45679 *1 | *9-78 2 3 |
| *1 789 789 | 2 3 *9-78 | *4 5 6 |
| 39 1 2 | 7 69 3689 | 5 89 4 |
| 6 4 389 | 1 59 3589 | 389 7 2 |
| 7 89 5 | 489 2 3489 | 1389 6 19 |
| 29 3 1 | 59 8 2579 | 6 4 79 |
| 5 279 4 | 69 1 2679 | 279 3 8 |
| 8 6 79 | 3 479 2479 | 1279 19 5 |
Cenoman wrote:Puzzle 2 has the same symmetry. But I have not found the trick, how to prove it manually.
Cenoman wrote:Puzzle 2 has the same symmetry. But I have not found the trick, how to prove it manually.
Leren wrote:But wait, it gets worse. This puzzle has a second extra clue (1 in r3c1) and it's still a brute (according to Hodoku).
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^ ^ ^ ^
' Sticks symmetry - example by Mauricio
'9 . .|. . 3|. . 6 b a c|. . .|. . .
'. 6 .|. . 1|. 5 . b a c|. . .|. . .
'. . 4|6 . .|2 . . b a c|. . .|. . .
'-----+-----+----- -----+-----+-----
'. 7 .|. 1 .|9 . 8 d X d|. X .|. X .
'. . .|. . .|. . . d X d|. X .|. X .
'3 . 2|. . .|. 7 . d X d|. X .|. X .
'-----+-----+----- -----+-----+-----
'. . 8|2 . .|5 . . c a b|. . .|. . .
'. 5 .|1 . .|. 6 . c a b|. . .|. . .
'4 . .|. . 5|. . 3 c a b|. . .|. . .
'BxCx (exchange bands 13 and Columns 13,46,79) + Isomorphism '(1)(4)(7)(23)(56)(89)
b1 a1 c1|. . .|. . .
b3 a3 c3|. . .|. . .
b5 a5 c5|. . .|. . .
d1 X d2|. X .|. X .
d3 X d4|. X .|. X .
d5 X d6|. X .|. X .
c2 a2 b2|. . .|. . .
c4 a4 b4|. . .|. . .
c6 a6 b6|. . .|. . .
Leren wrote: You permute the bands and the columns within a band, to line up with any column Sticks symmetry case.
Leren wrote:If you look at things this way, you can, with some practice, work out a Sticks symmetry by pattern recognition, you don't have to repeat the proof every time, just like with other patterns, like fish or whatever.
Leren wrote:If you look at things this way, you can, with some practice, work out a Sticks symmetry by pattern recognition, you don't have to repeat the proof every time, just like with other patterns, like fish or whatever.
eleven wrote:You would have to show, that r1c3=3. But i think, that's almost as hard as solving the puzzle in a conventional way.
yzfwsf wrote:I think you can try to remove 2r1c2 and see if the candidates of r1c2 and r1c3 meet the one-to-one correspondence relationship (the same as that of the clue).
Leren wrote:But wait, it gets worse. This puzzle has a second extra clue (1 in r3c1) and it's still a brute (according to Hodoku).
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