This post is definitely off-topic, as regards sudoku puzzles (whether symmetric or not)
Leren wrote:nice oxymoron there, that's four words, not one. I'm a great fan of oxymorons, or perhaps I should say I'm an extremely average fan of them.
Hi Leren,
Your litterary comment made me read again my book "Figures of speech" ("Les figures de style" in French)
In French, with have the same name "oxymore" for a figure of speech, linking words with opposite meanings, e.g. 'extremely average'. 'In one word', when you actually use several, would rather be a "litote", that my translator says to be an 'understatement'. Note that the same English word 'understatement' is used to translate the French "euphémisme". Both are weakening figures, with a slight difference: the first one suggests more than actually said, the second tries to hide something unpleasant.
The French expression "En un mot", very currently used, means that one is going to summarise. It would be better translated in English to: 'in summary', or 'in short', or 'in a word', or 'in a nutshell' (I am an extremely average fan of metaphors !)
Sorry for this pedandic post. I'm just killing time !
PS: never worked as a language teacher.