Corruption - Least
Education - Free
Hard Rock - Leading
OS - Top
Phone - Contest
Steam - Room
If you're a country, how about Norway

MCC wrote:Ok how about this:
Corruption - Least: World Audit Study; Least corrupt
Edution - Free: No tuition fees
Hard Rock - Contest: Eurovision song contest;"Hard Rock Hallelujah" Lordi
OS - Top: Not sure about this. Ordnance Survey
Phone - Leading: Nokia - Leading cellular phone company
Steam - Room: Sauna
Therefore it's Finland
Aura "The Maiden of Finland" (Suomi-neito).
If you've been naughty then Joulupukki will not visit you.
MCC wrote:Not sure how I ended up with two posts, I only edited the first post to add the PS and PSS's.
MCC wrote:Re OS - I did find Mac OS but could not relate it to Finland in any way.
udosuk wrote:...My guess is you clicked the wrong button ("quote" instead of "edit")...
udosuk wrote:MCC wrote:Re OS - I did find Mac OS but could not relate it to Finland in any way.
It seems some people still think the only operating systems in the world are Windows or Mac... Just like there were only IBM or Apple...
MCC wrote:I think for the majority of people, myself included, they do not think about the OS at all.