What am I? (20)

Anything goes, but keep it seemly...

Postby MCC » Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:04 pm

udosuk wrote:Thanks Cec... For me the key to solving these brain teasers is - stay put and wait for others to narrow it down or the questioner to give away more obvious hints... And then start to apply your brain juice... (Otherwise your brain will dry up pretty soon...):D

The trouble is udosuk, that if everybody thought like that, then there will be no replies to a riddle and I'll think that people have lost interest or have no interest in the riddle at all.

Providing more 'obvious' hints is only a way of dumbing down the original riddle.

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Postby udosuk » Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:16 pm

Well, I'm a selfish [Edited by Luna. Unacceptable terminology] ...:D

Seriously, I also asked a couple early casual questions on this one... I didn't mean not to reply, but to just save on the brain juices, don't think too hard before it gets 3-4 days old (if it ever gets there) and the picture is shown clearer (either by someone else or the poster him/herself)... Meanwhile we could just post casually and muck around a little...:)
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Postby coloin » Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:39 pm

Well.....there is a fine line between having a guess and "blurting" out the answer if you think you have cracked it.

Personally I think it is better not to spoil the riddle for others if you can.

In the rare case that I can solve the riddle first I feel a rewarding ploy is to submit an ultra cryptic clue which confirms to the setter that you have solved it. This is tricky to do without giving the game away - and makes you realize how tricky it is to give hints.

Roll on

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Postby emm » Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:45 am

But it's so tempting to blurt!

Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter
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Postby udosuk » Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:53 am

I blurt often, not only to answers to riddles but also other words (as you can see from Luna's editing above:D )...

As emm said, your knowledge is nothing when no one else knows that you know it... (Thanks for the Latin tutorial...:) )

As for this one, I found it too hard to "submit an ultra cryptic clue which confirms to the setter that you have solved it"... (Unlike my current one, where you made such a comment and I (sort of) knew that you've found it...)

And I must say most setters (like me) post riddles for people to solve, not to make them even trickier than they already are... When it's 3 days old already I think anyone could claim it... It's gonna end one way or the other... Is there a "time limit" that you must not attempt to answer the riddle directly until it gets n days old?
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Postby lunababy_moonchild » Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:11 am

udosuk wrote:And I must say most setters (like me) post riddles for people to solve, not to make them even trickier than they already are... When it's 3 days old already I think anyone could claim it... It's gonna end one way or the other... Is there a "time limit" that you must not attempt to answer the riddle directly until it gets n days old?

I think that answering the riddle too quickly - remember that we are not all in the same time zone, for example - prevents other people 'having a go'. If you want to solve it quickly you could always send the answer to the puzzle setter by PM and let the rest of us struggle, for a while.

I think we all know the value of puzzling!

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