What am I? (12)

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What am I?(12)

Postby Cec » Wed May 31, 2006 10:39 am

MCC wrote:"..Point X = Is another city from B through to I..."

I'm not too good at these but I'll give this another nudge ... Perhaps a bit more explanation of this clue?
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Postby MCC » Wed May 31, 2006 3:19 pm

Ok Cec.

X is the final destination, which could be anyone of these cities: B, C, D, E, F, G, H, or I.

All I'm saying is that the journey has the same starting point but a different destination each time.

Remember this is an analogy as to what you must do to solve the riddle.

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Postby tarek » Wed May 31, 2006 8:01 pm

I'm sensing that the operations change with each line (maybe as simple as + - * /) & the 1st number used in each operation is always (A) while the the 2nd number used in each of these 8 journeys form some form of sequence............

Will mu assumptions my assumptions prove fruitful ?.......

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What am I? (12)

Postby Cec » Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:31 am

I've been thinking and thinking so my mind could be ???? can't even think of the right word but could the answer be "a Ripple"
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Postby MCC » Thu Jun 01, 2006 8:59 am

Ok. I thought this was going to be easyish, but it looks like I'll have to be more direct.

I took 'multiplied by number' to be the operation.

You do not need point A or point X to get the two words I'm after.

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What am I ?(12)

Postby Cec » Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:51 pm

This one seems to have us all stumped. Golf day tomorrow and hopefully when I return home somebody may have cracked this riddle and satisfied my curiousity.
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Postby MCC » Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:42 pm

Ok. One final clue before logging off. You should get it now.

Feet 0.3048 Meters

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Postby tarek » Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:40 pm

Spoonfeeding are we now MCC....

We probably need to......

I'm going to look it up......What your looking after is something like "Nautical Mile" or "Cubic Metre"...........

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Postby coloin » Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:53 pm

Conversion factors

Googling "1.3079 and 3.531"

gives http://www.tef.marmara.edu.tr/makine/gurcan/enerji/industry/convc.htm
Code: Select all
   0.061     in3
   3.531 x 10-5    ft3
   1.3079 x 10-6    yd3
   1 x 10-6    m3
   0.99997    ml
   0.0338    oz (US fl)
   0.0351    oz (Brit. fl)
   10.567 x 10-4    qt (US fl)
   8.7988 x 10-4    qt (Brit. fl)
   2.6417 x 10-4    gal (US fl)
   2.1997 x 10-4    gal (Brit. fl)

Funny that - I thought a cm^3 was a ml !

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Postby tarek » Thu Jun 01, 2006 7:09 pm

Ah, so it is.......

what is the term for 100 Metres because that is the answer. Is it hectometre?

if it is then the answer is "Cubic Hectometre" ...

Coloin's answers are off by a factor of 1,000,000 = 100*100*100 =or 100^3...

Oh even better, 1 Cubic Metre is 1000 Litres, so this thing is 1,000,000,000 Litres or a Gigalitre (GL):D

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Postby emm » Thu Jun 01, 2006 7:30 pm

Do you use the term hard yards?
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Postby MCC » Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:09 am

Well done Coloin.

The answer was - Conversion factor/s.

This is what I used.

Cubic centimeter multiplied by:
3.531*10^5 = Cubic feet
0.61 = Cubic inches
1*10^6 = Cubic meters
1.3079*10^6 = Cubic yards
2.624*10^4 = Gallons
0.001 = litres
0.0021 = Pints (liquid)
0.0011 = Quarts (liquid)

As for 'Hard yards', I've never heard it used emm, we tend to use: Graft, Grafting or Grafted to mean hard work, although I'm sure I've heard the term 'Hard-graft' before.

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Postby tarek » Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:47 am

MCC wrote:Cubic centimeter multiplied by:
3.531*10^5 = Cubic feet
0.61 = Cubic inches
1*10^6 = Cubic meters
1.3079*10^6 = Cubic yards
2.624*10^4 = Gallons
0.001 = litres
0.0021 = Pints (liquid)
0.0011 = Quarts (liquid)

Funny that you looked at it that way, I must be missing something here because a cubic cenemetre should be smaller than a litre, Pint or Quart .....Well done Coloin for conversion factors & cubic centemetre can fit a conversion equation using the conversion factor on each line (multiply or divide)...that is why I though at the start of the cubic hectometre

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Postby MCC » Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:12 am

tarek wrote:...Funny that you looked at it that way, I must be missing something here because a cubic cenemetre should be smaller than a litre, Pint or Quart.

A cubic centimeter is smaller than a Litre or Pint or Quart.

Take a unit measurement multiply by conversion factor to give Litres.

One unit times by 0.001 = ? litres

So that one times by 0.001 = 0.001 litre, or

that 1000 units times by 0.001 = one Litre

So that one Litre contains 1000 units, what could these units be?

I was hoping people would cotton on to this and help them solve the riddle.

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What am I?(12)

Postby Cec » Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:19 am

MCC wrote:"Ok. One final clue before logging off. You should get it now...Feet 0.3048 Meters.."

Well done Coloin. Yes, MCC, knowing the answer now, this hint should have been enough to solve this - I knew to convert feet to meters, you simply multiply by 0.3048 but I still couldn't find the answer... Grr..Grr.. Ah well.. at least my curiousity is now satisfied:)
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