underquark wrote:Incidentally, doesn't an oblate spheroid strictly imply a greater equatorial radius than that towards the poles but - since it is a rotational extrusion of an ellipse spun about its minor axis - that the radius would be equal at the "top" and "bottom" of said object. Since gravity would be involved in a collapsible swiiming-pool (and might, for that fact, come into play even in a concrete-walled one, albeit to a much, much lesser degree) then this would be more like a cross-section of an egg in the traditional little-endian configuration.
Yes it does. I did think of that initially, but since that was the only formula I could find that came close - and I thought that it was a theoretical exercise anyway - I decided to post it, just for the fun of it.
In your example what
would the formula be, as a matter of interest?
I thought that you could just use the 'bottom end' as the minor axis and achieve the same result. Or you could use :
Egg Volume (The PDF version gives the pictures, which I found useful, but I couldn't figure out a way of posting the link). Which seems to me an overly complicated way of doing it. The only other way of measuring the volume of an egg is to measure the water it displaces, which clearly in this case, is not appropriate.