Yes, Bernard, I'm here ... listening ... with interest!
The puzzle has a unique solution and it can be solved using logic alone. You might have known it.

Anyone who undertakes a Very Hard puzzle knows they have a challenge on their hands. So I kinda feel they should be willing to solve it by themselves.
I don't mind if others want to pitch in with hints, on this forum. That's what it's for. But excuse me while I sit this one out. For a while, anyway.
I feel differently about the puzzles that appear as daily puzzles in the paper. I sometimes help out with those, because you have no choice about its difficulty - you take what the paper serves you that day.
Very Hard puzzles are not available in the paper, only in the Sudoku program. This VH is an exception: it appeared when Su Doku was launched in The Times in November 2004.
- Wayne