tarek wrote:Are you signalling the end of finned fish
Oh no! I merely think finned fish may be a stepping stone -- likely a required stepping stone -- to something else, maybe something better.
tarek wrote:It was all going fine until that Exo fin showed up
It's still all going fine IMO. We just needed some way to distinguish between two types of fin cells.
[edit3: The "old" fin cell is a member of the base set but not a member of the cover set. It is outside the cover set, and hence was labeled "exo-fin" or "exo-fin-cell."]
daj95376 had been using [edit: exo-fin to mean remote fin but has relinquished his usage].
The "new" fin cell is a candidate in the intersection of two base sectors, "inside" the intersection if you will, and hence was labeled "endo-fin."
Each type of fin may be seen directly by an exclusion cell, in which case it is a "local" fin. If seen by way of a chain, then it is a "remote" fin.
Carrying things to an extreme, we have
- local exo-fin
- local endo-fin
- remote exo-fin
- remote endo-fin
But I'm not suggesting all these long-winded terms need be used. Just like we omit "basic" in "basic swordfish", we can omit the prefixes "local" and "exo-."