Aaagh! My turn for an error - I gave row 4 instead of row 7. "... troubles come not singly but in batallions..." I have edited my post, above. Apologies to all.
possum wrote:... and why didn't Carol show up? Is it because Wayne's books are more popular than hers?
<LOL> I understand she has the flu and has lost her voice. Just bad timing, for us (and, I daresay, for her).
lunababy_moonchild wrote:So, Wayne how was the Championships for you? What happened?
I thought it was amazing. Personally, I had a wonderful time - who wouldn't! But probably the one image that struck me most of all was when the crowds exited the "exam" halls. Nearly all of them must, by definition, have missed out on advancing to the next round. I was expecting to see glum, sour, even angry faces - but No. People were smiling, happy, excited, even exhilarated. I think people had a good time, and a good experience. Whether they feel the exercise
as a whole was worthwhile, I will leave for them and others to say.
If you were there, please pitch in with your comments and opinions, even if they are negative (
especially if they are negative - I'd like to learn).
But speaking for myself, I think this Sudoku tournament idea has a future. It doesn't have to be on a national scale. Regional competitions would be fun, too. And looking outward, I'd like to see the top 3 UK contenders pitted against the best that, say, France can offer - or even Europe.
- Wayne