The hardest of Eiorus 4 puzzles was the second with 4 steps.
Thanks to Pat and JPF for posting the hardest of Nick70's 19-clue pattern collection. One of them, #848, was by far the hardest for my rating, it needed 10 steps, all the others less than 4.
I will remove all puzzles from the list with less than 8 steps next week, so if someone is interested in the current list, please copy it before. I already recalculated the 8-step puzzles, 4 of the 14 will fall out of the list (since solutions with 7 brute force steps were found), 2 by Ocean and the 2 from the top1465. The calculation of the 9-steppers is not yet finished (at least 3 of the 14 are out, two downrated to 8).
I also made a
million puzzles test now. I generated 10^6 minimal random sudokus with suexg and rated them with gsf's program and suexrat9. The best rated had 99424 and 530 resp. There were 191 puzzles with gsfr 99344+ and 153 with suexrat 340+. 49 duplicates in these 2 lists.
Compare: Nicks 10-stepper had 99354 and 353 (note that the suexrat is varying in different runs), so 42 puzzles were harder rated by gsf and 103 by suexrat.
There was no high stepper under the 191 best gsf rated and only number 30 of the 153 best suexrat rated made the first run with 8 steps (and the second in the meantime). This one run took about that long as the calculation for 150 of the other puzzles.
So the two ratings gave much differences in difficulty for my program. Extreme: a puzzle solvable with triple was rated 390 by suexrat9.
So maybe one out of a million will qualify, thats a good rate