hendrik_monard wrote:I was also surprised by the large difference in rating between SER 11.7 and skfr 11.0
So I checked my earlier results and found that the skfr had rated this puzzle as 11.5
I have repeated the skfr for both puzzles and this was the result:
........1....23.....2..4.....5....62..7.6.18..8....7.5.568...2721....6..7.8...5.. ED=11.0/1.2/1.2
98.76.5..7.5.......64..9...6.84.7....7..56.4..5.98.....9..........8....5......3.2 ED=11.5/1.2/1.2
Quite different for essentially the same puzzle. But the gap between 11.5 and 11.7 for the canonical form is substantially lower than for the minlex form.
To be sure that both puzzles are isomorphs of one another, I submitted the pair to my equivalence/relationship checker and here is the report.
[hidden]Result of relationship analysis between 'ED=11.0/1.2/1.2' en 'ED=11.5/1.2/1.2'
May be more about the story SER/SKFR
SER is known to be very very slow but is the referee for the pattern game. Nobody wanted to change this referee and to-day , AFAIK, no new rating was proposed leading to a common agreement to replace the well known rating given by SER(written in 2005??).
SKFR has been written to propose a kind of pre rating not too far from SER, not more.
SER is far from being bug free, this is true also for SKFR.SKFR has been written based on an old frame of my first solver. (full tagging). I saw quickly that the full tagging was far from the process applied by skilled players, so I switched to another frame and I use something similar in the view of SKFR but much faster to-day when I am looking for a pre rating for SER.
This explains that SKFR will stay with identified bugs. It remains, in my view a tool for the game, nothing more.
The design of skfr was done to approach the rating of SER giving usually, in the high ratings, something slightly smaller than SER.
As SER,, SKFR in the high rating can deliver different ratings for different morphs. If the process does not fall in a bug trap, the deviation remains relatively small +-.1 this is a well known situation in the pattern game.
The deviation can be much bigger if a UR rule is used in one run and not in the other (not exactly the same order to apply the uniqueness in both cases when several possibilities show up in the same time). This is normally of small influence in the pattern game, but leads normally to the biggest seen deviations SER versus SKFR..
SER has been reshaped recently, so is still "live". It would be simpler to keep skfr as pre rating system and to focus on SER for discussions.