1to9only wrote:[g.r.emlin flags the ED=11.8/11.8/3.4 as the 2nd posted with that rating! I cannot find the 1st one!!]
gremlin crashed a few times immediately after the game was finished. you can see from the close of game 169 that mike's 20 11.8 and strmckr's 20 11.6, posted by gsf and champagne respectively, are both marked as "rare-0" at the end of the game, but after gremlin crashed multiple times over the next few days, they turned into "rare-1" in the results thread. the crash was because both mike and coloin submitted the same 20 clue pattern one after another and gremlin validated both of them when they PMed it, so they both ended up in the queue, which somehow made gremlin immediately replay the whole game, meaning the puzzles were counted twice in the rarity statistics
mith, 1to9only posted an extensive list of chain lengths and types for all patterns game puzzles here. it contains a 10.2 dynamic (+) example, as well as an 8.2 nishio and an 8.8 multiple fc which you may also be interested in. and i got there first with the minimal 31-clue 11.1 here