Finally I can see the pattern!!! It's a ship:
- Code: Select all
.----------(5)r2c6 .------------------(3)b3p5
/ || / ||
(7-4)r2c9 = (4-9)r2c6 = (9-5)r2c2 = (5)r2c8 - (5=3)r7c8 - (3)b3p8 = (3-4)b3p7 = !4b3!
\ || || || ||
\----------(9)r2c9 || || ||
\ || || ||
\--------------------(5)r2c9 || ||
\ || ||
\--------------------------------------------------(3)b3p6 ||
\ ||
=> -7r2c9
(Btw, is 4r2c9 (4b3p6) counted as a z-candidate? Originally I thought it should be, then I changed my mind (and the previous post). Looking at that picture makes me think it might yet be, because it's in two roles. I'm not expecting an answer, but it would be nice to know.)
Denis, you can claim as much as you like that the tz-candidates aren't part of your chains (or was it an admission that elegance isn't?), but that doesn't change the reality. It would make sense only if you could show that the abstract core chain is somehow visible as a pattern without executing a T&E
procedure that eliminates the tz-candidates along the way.
I could accept the idea with z-candidates only, because as alternate endpoints they can be erased with a single stroke right off the bat. It's a viable tactic even with an AIC by using a nested chain. However, it's not so easy with t-candidates. In our example, even if we factor out the z-candidates, the nested chain still has the two t-memories:
- Code: Select all
(7-3|4|5|9)r2c9 = [!4r2 = (4^-9)r2c6 = (9)r2c2 - (5)r2c2^6 = (5%)r2c8 - (5=3)r7c8 - (3)b3p8%5 = (3-4)r3c7 = !4b3] => -7 r2c9
Of course it would be easy to replace those two memories with a subset and a group node, but then it wouldn't be equivalent to the whip. I can't see any reasonable way to factor out the t-candidates to end up with the abstract core chain.
Fact is, the presence of t-candidates adds a lot more complexity than z-candidates, and it's much less credible to claim that they're not part of the chain. The z-candidates are linked to the single target, so they're easier to consider irrelevant. On the other hand, a t-candidate can be linked to any previous right-linking candidate, which can be tedious to find in a long chain unless marked somehow.
I'm not being serious, but one might ask why even bother listing the left-linking candidates. After all, they get erased by the same procedure as the tz-candidates. Thus, we could raise the abstraction level even higher and simply do this:
- Code: Select all
(+7r2c9 ->singles-> (7r2c9, 4r2c6, 9r2c2, 5r2c8, 3r7c8, 3r3c7) -> !4b3) => -7r2c9
Robert should like that. Where is he anyway?