Mauriès Robert wrote:Nor am I sure [...] that you have fully grasped my conception of PDT. The proof of this is that, at the end of the day, you view the TDP as a DFS. To me, DFS is only one part of the TDP, the TDP contains several types of procedures, as does your theory.
By DFS I mean generalised DFS, as it is usually understood, where two successive choices of hypotheses (candidates) are separated by propagation of constraints. In TDP, propagation of constraints is done along "tracks". Using constraints propagation lowers the depth of DFS. My conclusions are based on your examples below. If there is more to this in TDP, I'm open to learning more.
Mauriès Robert wrote:- Code: Select all
->D1---- Contradiction
/ ||
->B1->--- ||
/ || \ ||
/ || ->E1---- Solution
A1->--- ||
\ || ->F1---- Contradiction
\ || / ||
->C1->--- ||
\ ||
->G1---- Contradiction
->B2->--- Contradiction
/ ||
/ ||
A2->--- ||
\ || ->F2---- Contradiction
\ || / ||
->C2->--- ||
\ ||
->G2---- Contradiction
Obviously the tree may have more branches than in the diagram depending on the difficulty of the puzzle and may be more asymmetrical.
In terms of scoring, each path can be scored as a product of paths :
P(A1).P(B1).P(D1) contradiction
P(A1).P(B1).P(E1) solution
For example, here is an AI-escargot resolution tree from 9r6c2 and 9r5c1 :
P(9r6c2).P(4r5c3) contradiction
P(9r6c2).P(3r5c3).P(5r1c2) contradiction
P(9r6c2).P(3r5c3).P(5r2c1).P(8r6c7) contradiction
P(9r6c2).P(3r5c3).P(5r2c1).P(8r6c7) contradiction
P(9r6c2).P(3r5c3).P(5r2c1).P(17r6c7).P(2r3c8) contradiction
P(9r6c2).P(3r5c3).P(5r2c1).P(17r6c7).P(3r3c8) contradiction
P(9r6c2).P(3r5c3).P(5r2c1).P(17r6c7).P(4r3c8) contradiction
P(9r5c1).P(5r2c1).P(2r1c3) solution
P(9r5c1).P(5r2c1).P(8r1c3) contradiction
P(9r5c1).P(5r1c2).P(4r1c47) contradiction
P(9r5c1).P(5r1c2).P(4r1c359).P(1r6c9) contradiction
P(9r5c1).P(5r1c2).P(4r1c359).P(5r6c9) contradiction
In this example, DFS goes to depth 5. But simple T&E needs only depth 2. And T&E(B2) needs only depth 1. For me, this is a big negative point.
Mauriès Robert wrote:However, what I take from our discussions is that T&E is a procedure that tests all the candidates in the puzzle until no elimination is possible. From this point of view, neither your theory nor the TDP can be reduced to T&E as some people say on this forum.
Some people on this forum are unable to have any rational argument and without having any definition of T&E, they use it as disguised insult. But you're lucky: the worst of them have left. My recommendation: don't waste your time arguing with FlatEarthers.
Mauriès Robert wrote:In fact, for many sudoku "theorists", T&E is simply testing a candidate at random to see what he or she leads to
I don't think anyone reduces T&E to this. At the end of T&E(one candidate), either a contradiction is reached and the candidate is eliminated or no conclusion is reached or a solution is reached. In the latter two cases, nothing is done (accepting the solution would be guessing).
In a full T&E solution, this elementary procedure has to be repeated for each remaining candidate until no state change can be obtained. If you want a more detailed definition, read it in PBCS. I don't think I invented the definition there; I just formalised what people called T&E before.
I don't know anyone today that could seriously challenge my definition of T&E.
Mauriès Robert wrote:"there has never been any accepted smart way of choosing a candidate for consideration".
This sentence applies to T&E or to any chain pattern.
AIC guys don't have smarter ways of finding AICs than I have to find whips or braids.
Mauriès Robert wrote:These same theorists reject the idea of contradiction as a logical means by hiding behind established models (fish, wings and other curiosities) that contradiction has precisely demonstrated! In doing so, the expression of their models by AICs is generally a procedure of (hidden) contradiction, judging by the examples discussed in the "Puzzles" section. Where is the error!
Subsets, Fish, AICs are perfectly valid patterns and proof by contradiction is perfectly valid, even in intuitionnistic logic. The advantage often advocated for Subsets, Fish or AICs is not how they are proven. It is reversibility and I accept this as some advantage over my oriented chains. But the main associated disadvantage is their limited solving power, as proven in PBCS. One more disadvantage is, due to the restricted solving power, people tend to include unrestricted inner patterns, making the resulting chain totally illegible, which is emphasised by the awful AIC notation. One further disadvantage is, nobody has ever come with some substantial theory for these reversible chains. As far as I know, the only proof of reversibly for AICs with inner Subsets is in PBCS; this is more subtle than one might think because this entails dual views of Subsets and their links to the chain.
Mauriès Robert wrote:In the end, what is important for me is that a resolution theory correctly poses its concept, properties and methods, and that it is, from a practical point of view, easy to use.
I'd add two more points:
- it should be pattern-based
- it should make it possible to assess its resolution power - which I have done in very detailed ways for all my rules and which has never been done with AICs.
Mauriès Robert wrote:I think the TDP meets that definition
It also passes the resolution power assessment (all the puzzles).
But if fails the pattern-based additional point.