not much hope to find more fruit on the 9*9-tree
but maybe the method is useful for 16*16
Presumably it had been done for Latin Squares ?!
rookeries = k-plexes
dukuso wrote:not much hope to find more fruit on the 9*9-tree
but maybe the method is useful for 16*16
Presumably it had been done for Latin Squares ?!
rookeries = k-plexes
eleven wrote:Nice idea.
But as i understand it, this method would not find all 17's (not those with less than 5 digits, which only have 1 given).
eleven wrote:Ok, the last type would be 2 digits, which solve a 3-rookery, and placing 15 out of 6 numbers in the 6-rookery.
There is much between ...
dukuso wrote:checking gordon's 17s, the minimum numbers of clues required to uniquely
solve a 1,2,..,9 rookery are 0,1,2,3,5,7,10,13,17
dukuso wrote:do we have a list of all sudokugrids (upto isomorphism, S-classes) with nontrivial
automorphism-group ?
sudoku -gb300,416 -f%#ec > 300-416.sudz
sudoku -e '(%#An)>1' -f%#ec *.sudz > a2.sudz
sudoku -f'%v # %03#Bn %#An' a2.sudz
sudoku -f'%v # %03#Bn %#An' -e '(%#An)>1' 300-416.sudz
sudoku -f'%v # %03#Bn %#An' a2.sudz | grep '# [34]'
dukuso wrote:OK, thanks. 1.9MB only , now decompress ...(how ?)
and then determine the six 416-gangsters in each and the G-class(es) of each
sudoku -f'%v # %03#Bn %3#An %#bc' a2.sudz