Permanent url to reach the documentation
old overview
comments on the version used for pass2 (665 distribution)
gangsters and UA collectors
phase 1 selecting bands 3 having potential
phase 2 processing bands 3 having potential
entry files creation
Tests and results analysis
.zip files available for downloads
blue's "pass 1" search of 17 clues with a band/stack >= 7 clues here sk17p1_v3a.
blue's "pass2" distribution 665 here sk17p2a_v1_0.
to come readme plus test file plus comments
16 clues search here sk16.
Hi All,
blue announced here fantastic results for an exhaustive search of 17 clues puzzles.
We lost contact with blue several months in March 2017 after he gave through pm more information about the process to mladen Dobrichev and me. We don't have the code used by blue. When blue came back later, he had no more interest on this topic, so we stay with the information delivered in 2017.
I worked on blue's findings and tried to achieve similar performances on one of the 2 pass defined by blue ; 17 clues sudokus having no band with more than 6 clues.
The search of 17 with a band having more than 6 clues is done. I have now the program to search 17 with the distribution 665.
It seems that blue expected new 17. I am not sure that he is right and it could be that the scan shows that all 17 are known.
This would not be recognized by the community until several guys have carefully checked the code and somehow certified that it is "bug free". As nobody showed fresh interest to share the project, I release code and comments "just in case".
As the project includes topics that can be studied independently, I published first an overview of the project, then, piece after piece, all independent parts (eg: the program includes a code creating on the spot part of the solution grids that can be studied separately ... ). The first overview is somehow outdated, but still gives an idea of the general design.
The program searching the 665 distribution has been significantly improved compared to the closed one (band >6 clues). This is the code described in several chapters.