Region Sudoku

For fans of Killer Sudoku, Samurai Sudoku and other variants

Region Sudoku

Postby kakuroatk » Tue May 03, 2022 4:59 pm

Hello all, here is a Sudoku type that I called Region Sudoku.
It is played with normal Sudoku rules (rows, cols and boxes) plus the colored regions must also have unique #'s.
(This is similar but not exactly a jigsaw Sudoku because a jigsaw only has rows, columns and colored regions)

Once I created and started playing these myself as a player, honestly I found these to be very challenging and fun which is why I decided to post them.
You can try for yourself, strategies and feedback are welcome.

These puzzles can be played online here:
To play a particular puzzle, click the pencil/paper icon on the main screen and enter the # in bold.

This easy puzzle # is E11002

This medium puzzle # is M20882

The hard puzzle # is H80652
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Postby 1to9only » Tue May 03, 2022 9:20 pm

The region sudokus have about the right difficulty level, as shown by their SE (Sudoku Explainer) ratings:
Code: Select all
........2......56..5...6......8...1...........4...7......6...8..35......2........ E11002 Easy   ED=1.5/1.2/1.2
..3.......4...1.........6.3.2.......................8.5.7.........6...7.......1.. M20882 Medium ED=2.8/1.2/1.2
.64......... H80652 Hard   ED=8.4/1.2/1.2

custom regions:

In recent Sudoku Variants threads, you'll see that Jigsaws are usually abbreviated JS, and JSB denotes a Jigsaw with Blocks.
A suffix of X is added if the Jigsaw also has the X (Diagonals) constraint, e.g. JSX and JSBX.
@urhegyi posted some very hard JSXs here:
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Re: Region Sudoku

Postby kakuroatk » Wed May 04, 2022 5:21 pm

Yes, I've seen @urhegyi really nice puzzles before, I had no idea what the notation for JSX's were, now I do, thank you.
Do you know a link to where there is a full JSBX variation? I would be interested in seeing it.

Also, here is an Expert puzzle. I am curious if it will be higher then ED=8.4.


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Postby 1to9only » Wed May 04, 2022 6:16 pm

kakuroatk wrote:Also, here is an Expert puzzle. I am curious if it will be higher then ED=8.4.

Code: Select all
1..............5.2..2.....6....58.......2.......49....4.....2..7.9..............9 ED=9.0/1.2/1.2

kakuroatk wrote:Do you know a link to where there is a full JSBX variation? I would be interested in seeing it.

I did a search of JSB and JSBX on this site, and a few links showed up.
This thread (last 2 posts) has a JSBX:

To solve/rate these jigsaws, download SukakuExplainer from:
You'll need to install Java 8 JRE (or JDK) to be able to run SukakuExplainer.jar.

The jigsaw definition is entered by menu option: Variants -> Custom..., and entering an 81-character string defining the jigsaw regions, e.g.
Code: Select all
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