I was hoping that the last one would require a size 4. So far, I have accumulated the following data:
- 4 is the highest minimum constraint size.
- a valid puzzle can be made with at least 5 candidates in each cell. 6 is not (yet) possible.
- 450 is my current record number of candidates. I wonder if there is a theoretical maximum?
udosuk, the format is not new, as I state on my website, but nobody has cared to give it a name. I remember a PM grid that was posted on this forum long ago, but I have not been able to find it. It was hand-made and the candidates had very regular patterns. There are also 2 "gremlin" puzzles posted by r.e.s. which sort-of qualify. Thanks for the link to the "one digit too much" variant. That answers the question about the lower limit.
Here is the 450 candidates grid. It has 2 starting singles and requires no guess. It is easily solved with 85 forcing nets.
- Code: Select all
12478 12345689 234569 234568 1248 35 123789 123457 34567
46789 1245678 2345678 1349 12569 12345689 2345679 23459 2367
12456789 2345678 2345679 13456 127 2468 13679 136 2345679
1568 123456789 45 14678 1235679 1245678 123456789 14567 6789
12679 1238 245678 1356 23479 23567 3456789 19 234568
2345789 2589 1245679 12367 12345689 1235789 12345678 1345689 23459
12356789 235689 167 1234568 36789 14579 235 12368 1278
24789 134578 2456789 169 134789 13489 2456789 12356789 1234569
1234679 23789 1234578 368 124679 23479 1345689 49 12578