- Code: Select all
. 9 . . 3 . . 7 .
1 . . . . 6 . . 3
. . 3 . . . 4 . .
. 8 . . 1 . . . .
4 . . 3 . 2 . . 8
. . . . 9 . . 5 .
. . 7 . . . 5 . .
9 . . 1 . . . . 2
. 6 . . 8 . . 9 . ED=9.8/9.8/9.5
. 9 . . 3 . . 7 .
1 . . . . 6 . . 3
. . 3 . . . 4 . .
. 8 . . 1 . . . .
4 . . 3 . 2 . . 8
. . . . 9 . . 5 .
. . 7 . . . 5 . .
9 . . 1 . . . . 2
. 6 . . 8 . . 9 . ED=9.8/9.8/9.5
ronk wrote:Does "re-sign" really work?
papy999 wrote:What is the effect of resign in the game ?
What is the difference between a player that stop posting and a player that resign ?
papy999 wrote:By the way, are they still a few player left in [ronk ed: this] game ?
papy999 wrote:What is the difference between a player that stop posting
and a player that resign ?
Pat wrote:papy999 wrote:What is the difference between a player that stop posting
and a player that resign ?
just this: if all resign, the game closes
( without waiting for the usual timeout )
. 1 . . 4 . . 8 .
6 . . . . 7 . . 2
. . 8 . . . 5 . .
. 3 . . 5 . . . .
2 . . 4 . 6 . . 3
. . . . 7 . . 4 .
. . 1 . . . 8 . .
3 . . 7 . . . . 9
. 6 . . 1 . . 2 . ED=6.2/2.8/2.8
ronk wrote:papy999 wrote:What is the effect of resign in the game ?
What is the difference between a player that stop posting and a player that resign ?
I used it to let gsf know I wasn't playing that weekend. Besides, I'd just made something like three errorswhich greatly reduced my chances of winning.
papy999 wrote:By the way, are they still a few player left in [ronk ed: this] game ?
Perhaps that's why ::: resign ::: exists, to let other players know you've left the game.
. 1 . . 2 . . 3 .
4 . . . . 5 . . 6
. . 7 . . . 1 . .
. 8 . . 3 . . . .
2 . . 5 . 6 . . 4
. . . . 8 . . 5 .
. . 3 . . . 2 . .
6 . . 9 . . . . 8
. 5 . . 4 . . 1 . ED=6.2/3.4/3.4
. 1 . . 2 . . 7 .
3 . . . . 9 . . 5
. . 9 . . . 2 . .
. 3 . . 8 . . . .
2 . . 9 . 4 . . 3
. . . . 5 . . 6 .
. . 1 . . . 6 . .
4 . . 6 . . . . 8
. 5 . . 1 . . 4 . ED=6.5/2.8/2.8
game 0137 2011-03-25+19:29:00-0000 duration 3d20h dealer champagne pages 885-897 (open) 6 players
1.2/1.2/1.2 gsf 4.6/4.6/2.6 joel64 7.3/7.3/7.3 joel64 9.1/9.1/9.1 joel64
1.5/1.5/1.5 gsf 4.7/2.8/2.8 joel64 7.4/7.4/7.3 gsf 9.2/9.2/9.2 ronk
1.7/1.2/1.2 m_b_metcalf 5.0/2.0/2.0 joel64 7.5/7.5/7.5 ronk 9.3/9.3/9.3 joel64
2.0/2.0/2.0 gsf 5.2/3.6/3.4 joel64 7.6/7.6/7.6 ronk 9.4/9.4/9.4 gsf
2.3/2.3/2.3 gsf 5.6/4.6/2.6 joel64 7.7/7.7/7.2 ronk 9.5/9.5/9.4 ronk
2.5/2.5/2.5 joel64 5.7/3.4/3.4 joel64 7.8/7.8/7.8 ronk 9.6/9.6/9.3 papy999
2.6/2.6/2.6 gsf 5.8/2.8/2.8 joel64 7.9/7.9/6.7 ronk 9.7/9.7/9.6 ronk
2.8/2.8/2.8 gsf 5.9/2.8/2.6 joel64 8.0/8.0/3.4 ronk 9.8/9.8/9.5 papy999
3.0/3.0/3.0 joel64 6.2/3.4/3.4 joel64 8.2/8.2/8.2 ronk 9.9/9.9/9.9 champagne
3.2/3.2/3.2 joel64 6.5/2.8/2.8 gsf 8.3/8.3/8.3 joel64 10.0/10.0/9.4 joel64
3.4/3.4/3.4 gsf 6.6/6.6/6.6 joel64 8.4/8.4/8.4 gsf 10.1/10.1/9.2 papy999
3.6/3.6/3.6 joel64 6.7/6.7/6.7 joel64 8.5/8.5/8.5 ronk 10.2/10.2/9.1 papy999
3.8/3.8/2.6 ronk 6.8/6.8/3.4 joel64 8.6/8.6/8.6 ronk 10.3/10.3/9.4 papy999
4.0/4.0/4.0 ronk 6.9/6.7/6.7 joel64 8.7/8.7/8.7 champagne 10.4/10.4/9.3 champagne
4.2/4.2/4.2 joel64 7.0/7.0/7.0 ronk 8.8/8.8/8.8 joel64
4.4/4.4/4.4 ronk 7.1/7.1/7.1 ronk 8.9/8.9/8.9 joel64
4.5/4.5/3.4 joel64 7.2/7.2/7.2 ronk 9.0/9.0/9.0 joel64
open ratings : 4.8 4.9 5.1 5.4 6.0 6.1 8.1 10.5-11.4
submitter entries score response notes
----------- ------- ----- -------- -----
m_b_metcalf 1 87 1h47m rare-2
papy999 5 1144 40m59s rare-0,pearl*5
champagne 3 1371 20m19s diamond*2,pearl,highest-rating=696,bad-rating,dealer
gsf 11 1383 57m26s rare-0*4,rare-1*4,diamond*5,pearl,last-entry=400
ronk 18 2041 31m12s rare-0*3,rare-1*2,diamond*10,pearl*6,bad-submission,premature-entry*2
joel64 27 3085 48m50s rare-0*5,rare-1*4,rare-2,diamond*14,pearl*4,consecutive-entry,mulligan
----------- ------- ----- -----
6 65 9111 rare-0*13,rare-1*10,rare-2*2,diamond*31,pearl*17
. 2 . . 6 . . 7 .
1 . . . . 7 . . 9
. . 3 . . . 6 . .
. 8 . . 1 . . . .
4 . . 3 . 2 . . 8
. . . . 9 . . 5 .
. . 7 . . . 4 . .
9 . . 2 . . . . 5
. 1 . . 8 . . 3 . ED=7.4/7.4/7.4
. 2 . . 4 . . 6 .
3 . . . . 8 . . 9
. . 4 . . . 1 . .
. 6 . . 7 . . . .
2 . . 9 . 4 . . 1
. . . . 5 . . 8 .
. . 5 . . . 7 . .
7 . . 1 . . . . 5
. 8 . . 6 . . 1 . ED=1.7/1.5/1.5
. 9 . . 2 . . 3 .
4 . . . . 3 . . 5
. . 1 . . . 6 . .
. 6 . . 3 . . . .
8 . . 7 . 4 . . 6
. . . . 5 . . 1 .
. . 7 . . . 8 . .
2 . . 1 . . . . 4
. 5 . . 7 . . 2 . ED=8.0/8.0/3.6
2011-03-29+20:28:00-0000 8.0/8.0/3.6 papy999 rare ED seen 2 times before