Patrice wrote:::: comment :::
Can anybody give more explanation about the more messages when the game is closed ?
For instance :
- if we have 3 grids with the same rating, can we put all these in the more post or only one ?
Yes, if they qualify - see below
- if we have posted a 9.4/9.4/9.2 can we put a grid with a lower rating in the more post like 9.4/9.4/9.1 ?
or should we post only grid with a better rating than the last one we have posted for an ER ?
This part of the rules is not clear for me, especialy the "unplayable" ...After the game is closed and before the next game starts players may post a batch of additional valid but unplayable puzzles for the closed game:
- Code: Select all
::: more :::
81-char-grid ER/EP/ED
Unplayable puzzles include those cached by the last player and puzzles with a higher ER/EP/ED of an entry by the same player.
The person who posted the last entry cannot post again, so for any puzzles he has in cache that would otherwise qualify as valid submissions, he can post those.
A player cannot trump his own submission, so for any puzzles he has in cache with ER/EP/ED higher than for any leading submissions of his own, he can post those.