the referee should now be able to handle pearl trumps
the first post has been updated but here's a recap of the changes:
(1) ratings are now ER=
explainer-rating/pearl-index where
explainer-rating is the SE 1.2.1 rating
pearl-index is the (approximate) Simple Sudoku index of the hardest move
that leads to the first placement as listed by these options to the gsf solver (version 2008-01-18 or newer)
- Code: Select all
-S -qss+G -f%#Pq
the periodic status will list the ER/largest-pearl-index for each ER
(2) trumps: a entry may have the same ER as a previous entry as long as it also has a larger pearl index
the new entry erases any scores of previous entries with the same ER
(strong pearls (pearl index 99) cannot be trumped)
(3) a strong pearl (pearl index 99) may not be the first entry for a given ER
(4) after making a submission a player may not make another submission until 10 minutes
have passed
and another player has made a submission
we'll try this for a game or two and see if it helps level the playing field