Output file in standard format for all moves made

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Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby jco » Fri Jul 17, 2020 1:42 pm


I have recently joined this wonderful forum.

I am writing to ask if there exists a computer program that allows the user to save all the moves made when completing a sudoku grid. That output would have at the top the sudoku initial configuration, followed by information like “starting with all candidates provided” ou “starting without candidates provided”, and then all the moves. I know that Hodoku does something like this (without the second part) when the “solution path” is sent to print, but I dont know how to get this when the solution is not the one found by the code (it is the user own solution). Ideally, I would prefer something as standard as it is the input of various well-kwown formats for puzzles to be developed also for the writing of the output (the “game” moves). In summary, the output would be a text file with the input position at the top, the above mentioned information (on/off candidates) followed by the moves.
This text file would allow the user (later) to insert comments to justify certain eliminations made and also add overall comments at the end of the file.

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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby tarek » Sat Jul 18, 2020 5:44 pm

Hi jco,

Sukaku explainer should be able to do that for you using the command line input.

Download the latest release

Check the wiki pages on the github repository as they have enough information to fulfil your task

I’m on my mobile phone on the move so didn’t have time to post the links

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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby 1to9only » Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:18 pm

jco wrote:(it is the user own solution)

I think this is meant for the user (in play mode) solution path to be saved to file (for review and print).
I don't know if there is a great demand for this feature. Anyone else apart from OP wanting this feature?
New code to SukakuExplainer will be required!
SukakuExplainer project link: here.
SukakuExplainer download: here.
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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby tarek » Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:57 am

Thanks 1to9only,

I can see the original question better now. Essentially what is desired is an Log of the custom game progress!

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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby jco » Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:53 pm

Hello Tarek and 1to9only,

Thank you both for the replies! I had Sukaku explainer installed, but it also seemed to me that such feature wasn't there. It seems natural to have the game (the solution path created by the user) recorded for further analysis and annotations. Otherwise, unless you have very good memory, or the puzzle is very simple, that information is lost.

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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby ghfick » Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:58 pm

Philip Beeby's solver allows you to select a set of steps from a list. The solution path then appears in a window beside.
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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby 1to9only » Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:35 pm

jco wrote:there exists a computer program that allows the user to save all the moves made when completing a sudoku grid

I've implemented this feature in my version of SukakuExplainer, a later version of the one based on SudokuExplainer here.
You can select 'Save Solution Path...' to save the partial solution path (current state) or complete solution path (solved state) to a file.
Download the jar file (zipped) from [deleted link]- an updated version is available.

It supports:
- the grid (pencilmarks) is shown before each step
- selecting a cell, and typing the number (keyboard entry)
- selecting a cell, and clicking on a candidate (mouse select)
- clicking 'Get all hints', selecting all/some hints, and clicking 'Solve step' (multiple steps)
- clicking 'Get next hint', clicking 'Solve step' (single step)
- undo is also supported

Example saved file:
Hidden Text: Show
Code: Select all

| 13479  2      14679  | 156    567    157    | 8      13469  1679   |
| 137    5      167    | 1268   4      9      | 126    1236   1267   |
| 1479   8      14679  | 126    267    3      | 12469  5      12679  |
| 149    1469   14689  | 7      3      1258   | 12569  12689  125689 |
| 139    1369   5      | 1289   289    128    | 1269   7      4      |
| 2      149    14789  | 14589  589    6      | 3      189    1589   |
| 159    19     129    | 235689 256789 4      | 12569  12689  125689 |
| 8      7      3      | 2569   1      25     | 24569  2469   2569   |
| 6      149    1249   | 2589   2589   258    | 7      12489  3      |

| 13479  2      14679  | 156    567    157    | 8      13469  1679   |
| 137    5      167    | 1268   4      9      | 126    1236   1267   |
| 1479   8      14679  | 126    267    3      | 12469  5      12679  |
| 149    1469   14689  | 7      3      1258   | 12569  12689  125689 |
| 139    1369   5      | 1289   289    128    | 1269   7      4      |
| 2      149    14789  | 14589  589    6      | 3      189    1589   |
| 5      19     129    | 23689  26789  4      | 1269   12689  12689  |
| 8      7      3      | 2569   1      25     | 24569  2469   2569   |
| 6      149    1249   | 2589   2589   258    | 7      12489  3      |

| 13479  2      14679  | 156    567    157    | 8      13469  1679   |
| 137    5      167    | 1268   4      9      | 126    1236   1267   |
| 1479   8      14679  | 126    267    3      | 12469  5      12679  |
| 149    1469   14689  | 7      3      1258   | 12569  12689  125689 |
| 139    1369   5      | 1289   289    128    | 1269   7      4      |
| 2      19     1789   | 4      589    6      | 3      189    1589   |
| 5      19     129    | 23689  26789  4      | 1269   12689  12689  |
| 8      7      3      | 2569   1      25     | 24569  2469   2569   |
| 6      149    1249   | 2589   2589   258    | 7      12489  3      |
Hidden Single: R2C4: 8 in block
Hidden Single: R6C3: 7 in block
Hidden Single: R7C4: 3 in block
Hidden Single: R7C5: 7 in block
Hidden Single: R5C2: 3 in column
Hidden Single: R1C6: 7 in column

| 1349   2      1469   | 156    56     7      | 8      13469  169    |
| 137    5      16     | 8      4      9      | 126    1236   1267   |
| 1479   8      1469   | 126    26     3      | 12469  5      12679  |
| 149    1469   14689  | 7      3      1258   | 12569  12689  125689 |
| 19     3      5      | 129    289    128    | 1269   7      4      |
| 2      19     7      | 4      589    6      | 3      189    1589   |
| 5      19     129    | 3      7      4      | 1269   12689  12689  |
| 8      7      3      | 2569   1      25     | 24569  2469   2569   |
| 6      149    1249   | 259    2589   258    | 7      12489  3      |
Hidden Single: R4C3: 8 in block

[Edit- 7 Sep- deleted old link]
Last edited by 1to9only on Mon Sep 07, 2020 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby 1to9only » Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:10 pm

I've made an improvement to the 'Save Solution Path...' feature - the (indirect) SE hints now show candidate elimination(s) and any cell placement that are applied.

Some examples:
Code: Select all
Pointing: Cells R1C4,R3C4: 1 in block and column: -1r5c4

Claiming: Cells R4C7,R4C8,R4C9: 9 in row and block: -9r6c9, -9r6c8

Naked Pair: Cells R7C7,R9C8: 1,2 in block: -12r7c9, -12r7c8

XY-Wing: Cells R5C4,R5C1,R3C4 on value 1: -1r3c1

Turbot Fish: R2C3.1 off: -1r2c3

Forcing Chain: R1C4.5 on: -1r1c4: r1c4=5

XY-Wing: Cells R6C9,R4C7,R1C9 on value 9: -9r3c7

Download the updated jar file (zipped) from [deleted link]- an updated version is available.

[Edit- 7 Sep- deleted old link]
Last edited by 1to9only on Mon Sep 07, 2020 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby Pupp » Sat Aug 22, 2020 1:26 am

I didn't want to start a new thread, but I downloaded a .txt file, and was wondering what format the puzzles were in, and what extension I could rename the file extension to.

#Tarek's Pearly6000
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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby denis_berthier » Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:48 am

CSP-Rules (https://github.com/denis-berthier/CSP-Rules-V2.1)allows you to choose which rules you activate and then it outputs exactly what you're asking for.

Hidden Text: Show
217 candidates, 1371 csp-links and 1371 links. Density = 5.85%
whip[1]: r1n6{c2 .} ==> r2c1 ≠ 6
hidden-single-in-a-column ==> r1c1 = 6
naked-pairs-in-a-block: b5{r4c6 r6c4}{n2 n8} ==> r6c5 ≠ 2, r4c5 ≠ 2
hidden-pairs-in-a-block: b1{r1c3 r3c1}{n4 n5} ==> r3c1 ≠ 9, r3c1 ≠ 8, r3c1 ≠ 7, r3c1 ≠ 3, r1c3 ≠ 9, r1c3 ≠ 8, r1c3 ≠ 7
swordfish-in-columns: n5{c1 c4 c8}{r6 r3 r9} ==> r9c9 ≠ 5, r6c3 ≠ 5, r3c6 ≠ 5
z-chain[4]: r3c6{n7 n8} - r4c6{n8 n2} - b2n2{r1c6 r2c4} - r2n6{c4 .} ==> r2c5 ≠ 7
z-chain[5]: r2n6{c4 c5} - b2n2{r2c5 r1c6} - r4c6{n2 n8} - r3c6{n8 n7} - r3c5{n7 .} ==> r2c4 ≠ 9
z-chain[3]: r7n9{c3 c1} - r2n9{c1 c5} - r4n9{c5 .} ==> r5c3 ≠ 9
z-chain[5]: r5c3{n7 n3} - r6c3{n3 n8} - b5n8{r6c4 r4c6} - r3c6{n8 n7} - r5n7{c6 .} ==> r6c1 ≠ 7
z-chain[5]: r2n6{c5 c4} - b2n2{r2c4 r1c6} - r4c6{n2 n8} - r3c6{n8 n7} - r3c5{n7 .} ==> r2c5 ≠ 9
whip[1]: b2n9{r3c5 .} ==> r3c2 ≠ 9, r3c7 ≠ 9
hidden-single-in-a-block ==> r1c7 = 9
whip[1]: c2n9{r5 .} ==> r4c3 ≠ 9
hidden-pairs-in-a-block: b4{r4c2 r5c2}{n6 n9} ==> r5c2 ≠ 7, r5c2 ≠ 3, r4c2 ≠ 8
whip[1]: b4n7{r6c3 .} ==> r2c3 ≠ 7, r9c3 ≠ 7
biv-chain[3]: r1n5{c6 c3} - r4c3{n5 n8} - r4c6{n8 n2} ==> r1c6 ≠ 2
whip[1]: r1n2{c9 .} ==> r2c8 ≠ 2, r2c9 ≠ 2
hidden-pairs-in-a-row: r2{n2 n6}{c4 c5} ==> r2c4 ≠ 8
biv-chain[4]: r3n5{c4 c1} - b4n5{r6c1 r4c3} - r4n8{c3 c6} - c4n8{r6 r3} ==> r3c4 ≠ 9
hidden-single-in-a-block ==> r3c5 = 9
naked-single ==> r4c5 = 4
naked-single ==> r5c4 = 9
naked-single ==> r5c2 = 6
naked-single ==> r4c2 = 9
hidden-single-in-a-column ==> r6c5 = 7
naked-single ==> r5c6 = 1
hidden-single-in-a-row ==> r5c3 = 7
whip[1]: r5n3{c8 .} ==> r6c7 ≠ 3, r6c8 ≠ 3
biv-chain[3]: b6n3{r5c7 r5c8} - r2c8{n3 n8} - b9n8{r7c8 r8c7} ==> r8c7 ≠ 3
biv-chain[3]: c4n4{r7 r9} - c4n5{r9 r3} - r3c1{n5 n4} ==> r7c1 ≠ 4
biv-chain[4]: r3c1{n4 n5} - r6n5{c1 c8} - b6n1{r6c8 r6c7} - b3n1{r3c7 r3c9} ==> r3c9 ≠ 4
finned-x-wing-in-rows: n4{r3 r8}{c1 c7} ==> r9c7 ≠ 4
z-chain[3]: r8n4{c9 c1} - r3n4{c1 c7} - r5n4{c7 .} ==> r9c8 ≠ 4
z-chain[3]: r8n4{c9 c1} - r3n4{c1 c7} - r5n4{c7 .} ==> r7c8 ≠ 4
z-chain[4]: r8n4{c9 c1} - r3c1{n4 n5} - c4n5{r3 r9} - c4n4{r9 .} ==> r7c9 ≠ 4
z-chain[4]: c2n8{r3 r8} - c7n8{r8 r3} - r1n8{c8 c6} - r4n8{c6 .} ==> r2c3 ≠ 8
finned-x-wing-in-rows: n8{r2 r7}{c8 c1} ==> r8c1 ≠ 8
biv-chain[3]: b4n3{r6c1 r6c3} - r2c3{n3 n9} - b7n9{r7c3 r7c1} ==> r7c1 ≠ 3
z-chain[3]: r2n8{c8 c1} - c2n8{r3 r8} - c7n8{r8 .} ==> r1c8 ≠ 8
biv-chain[4]: r1c8{n2 n4} - r1c3{n4 n5} - c1n5{r3 r6} - c8n5{r6 r9} ==> r9c8 ≠ 2
biv-chain[4]: r8c1{n3 n4} - r3c1{n4 n5} - r1n5{c3 c6} - r8n5{c6 c9} ==> r8c9 ≠ 3
z-chain[5]: r7n9{c3 c1} - r7n8{c1 c8} - c7n8{r8 r3} - c4n8{r3 r6} - r6c3{n8 .} ==> r7c3 ≠ 3
z-chain[5]: b9n8{r8c7 r7c8} - r2c8{n8 n3} - r5c8{n3 n4} - c7n4{r5 r3} - c7n8{r3 .} ==> r8c7 ≠ 2
z-chain[5]: b9n8{r8c7 r7c8} - r2c8{n8 n3} - r5c8{n3 n4} - c7n4{r5 r3} - c7n8{r3 .} ==> r8c7 ≠ 1
z-chain[5]: r3n4{c1 c7} - r8n4{c7 c9} - r8n5{c9 c6} - b2n5{r1c6 r3c4} - r3c1{n5 .} ==> r9c1 ≠ 4
biv-chain[5]: r3n1{c9 c7} - r3n4{c7 c1} - r8c1{n4 n3} - r9c1{n3 n7} - r2n7{c1 c9} ==> r3c9 ≠ 7
z-chain[5]: r9c1{n3 n7} - r9c2{n7 n2} - r8c2{n2 n8} - r8c7{n8 n4} - r8c1{n4 .} ==> r9c3 ≠ 3
biv-chain[4]: r9c3{n1 n4} - r1c3{n4 n5} - c1n5{r3 r6} - c8n5{r6 r9} ==> r9c8 ≠ 1
biv-chain[3]: r9c8{n3 n5} - r8n5{c9 c6} - b8n3{r8c6 r7c6} ==> r7c8 ≠ 3, r7c9 ≠ 3
hidden-single-in-a-row ==> r7c6 = 3
whip[1]: r8n3{c2 .} ==> r9c1 ≠ 3, r9c2 ≠ 3
naked-single ==> r9c1 = 7
naked-single ==> r9c2 = 2
hidden-single-in-a-row ==> r2c9 = 7
whip[1]: c7n2{r6 .} ==> r4c9 ≠ 2, r6c8 ≠ 2
naked-pairs-in-a-block: b3{r1c8 r1c9}{n2 n4} ==> r3c7 ≠ 4
(singles to the end)
Last edited by denis_berthier on Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby denis_berthier » Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:50 am

Pupp wrote:I didn't want to start a new thread, but I downloaded a .txt file, and was wondering what format the puzzles were in, and what extension I could rename the file extension to.

#Tarek's Pearly6000

This is the standard line format (one puzzle per line). It can be put in a .txt file
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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby 1to9only » Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:53 am

Pupp wrote:I didn't want to start a new thread

Thread hijacking! When you had already asked a question in http://forum.enjoysudoku.com/tarek-s-pearly6000-t5615.html:
Pupp wrote:What format is the file? What should I rename the extension?

I didnot answer this question because you didnot say what you yourself had done, and you wanted someone else to download the file, unzip it, look at it, and tell you the format of the puzzles in the file.
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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby jco » Wed Sep 02, 2020 1:39 am

Hello, 1to9only

1to9only wrote:
jco wrote:there exists a computer program that allows the user to save all the moves made when completing a sudoku grid

I've implemented this feature in my version of SukakuExplainer, a later version of the one based on SudokuExplainer (...)

I've just read your post. For me that is an excellent news!
I didn't expect this and for this reason didn't come back to look at this thread.
Many thanks for adding this feature! I wish I had looked here much sooner!
IMHO is a very important feature (an extreme instance here). I will certainly make very good use of it!
Again, many thanks!

PS: I probably need to configure to receive notifications. (added: done)
[Edited to add example with link, and later again for more precise wording]
Last edited by jco on Wed Sep 02, 2020 5:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby jco » Wed Sep 02, 2020 2:03 am

Hello, 1to9only

1to9only wrote:I've made an improvement to the 'Save Solution Path...' feature - the (indirect) SE hints now show candidate elimination(s) and any cell placement that are applied (...)

Very nice! : )
Amazing that I wasn't aware of any of this. I can't thank you enough!

[Added: PS: ok, subscribed to this topic]
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Re: Output file in standard format for all moves made

Postby jco » Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:23 pm

Hello 1to9only,

I have tried for the first time the new features. Again, I am very sorry to doing this only now (for the reasons explained in my last post on this topic).
First I solved today's #4953 hard puzzle from The Guardian, without using pencil marks, and wrote (by hand in a .txt file) every move while it was made, adding some pertinent comment for each move. The final listing is hidden in the following.:

Hidden Text: Show
Code: Select all
| .  .  . | .  2  . | .  4  . |
| 2  .  . | .  .  . | 9  .  . |
| 5  .  . | 4  .  . | .  8  . |
| .  6  1 | .  9  2 | .  .  . |
| 7  .  . | .  .  . | .  .  4 |
| .  .  . | 3  4  . | 1  9  . |
| .  8  . | .  .  7 | .  .  6 |
| .  .  6 | .  .  . | .  .  5 |
| .  4  . | .  3  . | .  .  . |

my resolution without using pm

1. r2c3=4
(by cross-hatching, only possible place for a 4 in b1)
2. r4c1=4
(by cross-hatching, only possible place for a 4 in b4)
3. r8c6=4
(by cross-hatching, only possible place for a 4 in b8)
4. r7c7=4
(by cross-hatching, only possible place for a 4 in b9)
5. r1c1=6
(by cross-hatching, only possible place for a 6 in b1)
6. r1c3=8
(by cross-hatching, only possible place for a 8 in b1)
7. r6c1=8
(by cross-hatching, only possible place for a 8 in b4)
8. r6c6=6
(by cross-hatching, the only possible places for 6 in b6 is r5c78; so by cross-hatching the only place of 6 in b5 is r6c6)
9. r4c4=7
(only place a 7 can go in b5)
10. r6c9=7
(by cross-hatching, only place a 7 can go in b6)
11. r9c9=9
(by cross-hatching, only place a 9 can go in b9)
12. r9c4=6
(by cross-hatching, only place a 6 can go in b8)
13. r4c9=8
(by cross-hatching, the only possible places for 8 in b9 is r89c7; so by cross-hatching the only place a 8 can go in b6 is r4c9)
14. r3c9=2
(by cross-hatching, only place a 2 can go in c9)
15. r9c1=1
(by cross-hatching the only places 9 and 3 can go in c1 is r78c1)
16. r6c2=5
(by cross-hatching in b7, and using the fact that 1,9 are locked in r78c1, r79c3 are the only places a 5 can go;
so in r7 the only place for a 5 is r6c2)
17. r6c3=2
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in r6)
18. r8c2=2
(in b7 3,9 is locked in r78c1, by cross-hatching the only place for a 2 in b7 is r8c2)
19. r9c3=7
(in b7 3,9 is locked in r78c1, by cross-hatching the only place for a 7 in b7 is r9c3)
20. r7c3=5
(in b7 3,9 is locked in r78c1, so the only place a 5 can go in b7 is r7c3)
21. r7c4=2
(by cross-hatching, the only place a 2 can go in b8)
22. r9c6=5
(by cross-hatching, the only place a 5 can go in b9)
23. r9c7=8
(by cross-hatching, the only place an 8 can go in r9)
24. r9c8=2
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in r9)
25. r5c7=2
(by cross-hatching, the only place a 2 can go in b6)
26. r5c8=6
(by cross-hatching, the only place a 6 can go in b6)
27. r3c7=6
(by cross-hatching, the only place a 6 can go in b3)
28. r2c5=6
(by cross-hatching, the only place a 6 can go in b2)
29. r3c5=7
by cross-hatching, the only place a 7 can go in b2)
30. r5c5=5
(by cross-hatching, in b2 the only places for a 5 are r12c4; so by cross-hatching the only place left for a 5 in b5)
31. r8c5=8
(by cross-hatching, the only place left for an 8 in c5)
32. r8c4=9
(by cross-hatching, the only place left for a 9 in b8)
33. r7c5=1
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in b8)
34. r7c1=9
(by cross-hatching, the only place left for a 9 in b7)
35. r8c1=3
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in b7)
36. r7c8=3
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in r7)
37. r8c8=1
(by cross-hatching, the only place left for 1 in b9)
38. r8c7=7
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in b9)
39. r4c7=3
(by cross-hatching, the only place left for 3 in b6)
40. r4c8=5
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in b6)
41. r1c7=5
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in c7)
42. r2c8=7
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in c8)
43. r2c4=5
(by cross-hatching, the only place left for a 5 in b2)
44. r1c4=1
(naked single: only possible candidate for this cell)
45. r2c9=1
(by cross-hatching, the only place a 1 can go in c9 or b3)
46. r1c9=3
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in b3)
47. r3c2=1
(by cross-hatching, the only place a 1 can go in b1)
48. r2c6=8
(by cross-hatcing, the only place an 8 can go in b2)
49. r5c4=8
(by cross-hatching, the only place an 8 can go in b5)
50. r5c6=1
(full-house: the only possible candidate for this cell in b5)
51. r3c6=3
(by cross-hatching, the only place a 3 can go in b2)
52. r1c6=9
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in b2)
53. r3c3=9
(by cross-hatching, the only place a 9 can go in b1)
54. r2c2=3
(by cross-hatching, the only place a 3 can go in b1)
55. r1c2=7
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in b1)
56. r5c3=3
(by cross-hatching, the only place a 3 can go in b4)
57. r5c2=9
(full house: the only possible candidate for this cell in b4)

I must add that I made three typos when recording the moves. But even if no mistake was made, it is no fun to write each move while solving a puzzle.
Then, I solved the same puzzle again using SE to make the moves (i.e., using the code but not the solver, of course). The output in hidden mode follows (I erased the boards with remaining candidates written for each move because you have already shown that feature in your last post here).

Hidden Text: Show
Game recorded by Sukaku Explainer

This is exactly what I needed! I can get all moves without mistakes and quickly
add comments for every move to get the same result shown before. The idea is that
for simple puzzles one may not even bother to comment the recorded resolution, while for an very interesting puzzle where many subtle ideas came along, one may want to revisit the moves, and add comments to save it for further studies. Also, sometimes, it can happen that a manual solver solves the puzzle but, after looking again at the recorded resolution, realizes that *incorrectly* placed a digit that happened the be the correct one. So, it was an unintentional guess, and the player may want to come back to that position and see how to proceed. The player might have missed the difficult/interesting part of the puzzle with that unintentional lucky guess.

Again, many thanks!
[Edit: small correction]
Posts: 756
Joined: 09 June 2020


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