Tarek's Pearly6000

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Tarek's Pearly6000

Postby tarek » Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:13 am

I've posted this list on the programmers forum.
You can access it by following This Link.

Ruud has also kindly provided a link to download all the puzzles as a single file from the sudokuvault. You can download it by following this link

I couldn't fit it into 1 post there.
I have therefore divided it into 3 posts & provided a link here to that thread.

here is a general description of the puzzles

#This is a list that I compiled earlier this year when searching for "Hardest puzzles"
#It was filtered down from 80000+ puzzles that were generated using multiple seeds and minimal neighbourhood search
#The configurations are mainly Diagonal following coloin's method
#The puzzles were rated usung gsf's q1, Dukosu's Suexrat9 & Ruud's SudoCue
#q1>8999, Sx9>899, SC BruteForce>0 filters were applied
#Iteration count prior to 1st guess using gsf's sudoku FNBHTWXYKO set was done, I=0 filter was applied
#1st 1225 puzzles have unique non isomorphic solution grids selected from the filtered 1800 pool depending on the highest q1 rating
#All the puzzles have non-isomorphic puzzle configuration
#The 1st 1225 puzzles were sorte according to their Sx9 rating, this was repeated for the last 575 in the set.
#the set has been cross checked against other famous puzzle sets, I kept only the isomorphic puzzles that were referenced to myself

Last edited by tarek on Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby tarek » Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:10 am

The list has baeen updated.

#The Pearly1800 have been consumed by the Pearly3045. They remain however, unchanged as the 1st 1800 puzzles of this new collection.
#This List used to be the Pearly1800 before adding 1245 extra puzzles to the list. The new puzzles will be Puzzles (1801-3045)
#the 3045 have been divided into 5 posts as I couldn't fit them all into 1 post as follows:
#Puzzles 0001-0700 http://www.setbb.com/sudoku/viewtopic.php?t=1480&start=0&mforum=sudoku
#Puzzles 0701-1400 http://www.setbb.com/sudoku/viewtopic.php?t=1480&start=1&mforum=sudoku
#Puzzles 1401-1800 http://www.setbb.com/sudoku/viewtopic.php?t=1480&start=2&mforum=sudoku
#Puzzles 1801-2400 http://www.setbb.com/sudoku/viewtopic.php?t=1480&start=8&mforum=sudoku
#Puzzles 2401-3045 http://www.setbb.com/sudoku/viewtopic.php?t=1480&start=9&mforum=sudoku

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Postby tarek » Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:03 pm

2955 new puzzles were added ...

Now the previous pearly1800 & pearly3045 have ben subsumed by the pearly 6000

the Pearly6000 have been divided into 10 posts as I couldn't fit them all into 1 post as follows (on the programmers forum):
#Puzzles 0001-0700
#Puzzles 0701-1400
#Puzzles 1401-1800
#Puzzles 1801-2400
#Puzzles 2401-3045
#Puzzles 3046-3600
#Puzzles 3601-4200
#Puzzles 4201-4800
#Puzzles 4801-5400
#Puzzles 5401-6000


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Postby tarek » Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:23 am

I previously wrote:the previous pearly1800 & pearly3045 have ben subsumed by the pearly 6000

the Pearly6000 have been divided into 10 posts as I couldn't fit them all into 1 post as follows (on the programmers forum):
#Puzzles 0001-0700
#Puzzles 0701-1400
#Puzzles 1401-1800
#Puzzles 1801-2400
#Puzzles 2401-3045
#Puzzles 3046-3600
#Puzzles 3601-4200
#Puzzles 4201-4800
#Puzzles 4801-5400
#Puzzles 5401-6000

For anyone interested, you can download the entire 6000 puzzles in 1 text file by following this link http://www.mediafire.com/?mmmnnmjdety

I will be posting some statistical info about the collection withing the next 2 weeks.

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Postby tarek » Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:40 am

I previously wrote:the previous pearly1800 & pearly3045 have ben subsumed by the pearly 6000

the Pearly6000 have been divided into 10 posts as I couldn't fit them all into 1 post as follows (on the programmers forum):
#Puzzles 0001-0700
#Puzzles 0701-1400
#Puzzles 1401-1800
#Puzzles 1801-2400
#Puzzles 2401-3045
#Puzzles 3046-3600
#Puzzles 3601-4200
#Puzzles 4201-4800
#Puzzles 4801-5400
#Puzzles 5401-6000

For anyone interested, you can download the entire 6000 puzzles in 1 text file by following this link http://www.mediafire.com/?mmmnnmjdety
I will be posting some statistical info about the collection withing the next 2 weeks.

I just finished rating the entire collection with Sudoku Explainer 1.2.1. The collections mini stats are as follows:

Code: Select all
n=6000   ER     EP     ED    Q1      Q2      Sxt    Sx9      Clues
Mean     10.19  10.18  9.52  58422   75483   696.74 1377.04  21.87
Median   10.15  10.1   9.5   52882.5 95090   622.5  1180     22
Mode     9.9    9.9    9.4   95014   95083   581    966      22
SD       0.38   0.39   0.56  34081   35303   245.56 505.42   0.50
Min      9.1    9.1    4.4   9000    323     236    900      21
Max      11.9   11.9   11.5  99072   99421   2201   5292     23

The above stats can be downloaded through the following link: Pearly6000-Stats
The entire collection's info can also be downloaded through the following link: Pearly6000-Info. The 1st line of the file should make it possible to use in gsf's sudoku.

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Postby ronk » Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:12 am

tarek wrote:The entire collection's info can also be downloaded through the following link: Pearly6000-Info. The 1st line of the file should make it possible to use in gsf's sudoku.

I'm a little late but ... thanks for publishing your collection with all those ratings, especially the time consuming ratings of Sudoku Explainer.

That doesn't mean I think SE ratings are the most relevant, just the most (CPU) time consuming.:)
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Postby tarek » Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:57 am

ronk wrote:I'm a little late but ... thanks for publishing your collection with all those ratings, especially the time consuming ratings of Sudoku Explainer.

That doesn't mean I think SE ratings are the most relevant, just the most (CPU) time consuming.:)
Well I hope that somebody will use that information in a way that hopefully will improve things. I do share the sentiment towards SEs ratings.

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Re: Tarek's Pearly6000

Postby JasonLion » Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:50 pm

None of the download links seem to work anymore, so here is a copy curtesy of rjamil.
Tarek's Pearly 6000
(127.99 KiB) Downloaded 577 times
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Re: Tarek's Pearly6000

Postby Pupp » Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:15 pm

What format is the file? What should I rename the extension?
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Re: Tarek's Pearly6000

Postby enxio27 » Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:24 pm

Pupp wrote:What format is the file? What should I rename the extension?

After you unzip it (using WinZip, WinRAR, 7Zip, etc.), rename the file extension of the .TXT file to .SDC or .SDM, depending on what software you want to import it into. You may also have to remove the comment line at the beginning of the file.
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