Oh yes, its huge. They love pies and beer.

I read an article recently that said that over half of all Australians are overweight or obese, which is pretty staggering, but worse, only a third actually think they are - they have a big appetite for self denial.
(Dont we all!)I didnt make up that recipe for Welsh Rarebit you know I looked up a few and they all had beer in them. Did you know it was originally called Welsh Rabbit, as an insult to the Welsh who couldnt afford rabbits? Im not sure how they could afford beer and cheese and cream, but anyway its no longer PC to accuse the Welsh of being poor and so the name has been changed - but just a little, so theyll remember their sorry past and dont forget whos boss.
(I made that last bit up - but it could be true.)
Selling off school sports fields is the saddest thing Ive heard in ages I suppose thats one effect of population density. Our kids are more sedentary too, but we do still let them break their arms and legs climbing trees and actually encourage them to smash themselves up on the rugby field since its in the national interest! Talking of being sedentary - its time I took the beseeching dog for a walk.