Update, 2022_04_01: Added to release 3, executables with command line execution instructions.
Update, 2022_03_30: Posted release 3 to the google drive. It has three process modes: 1) Minlex, sort and remove duplicates; 2) Minlex and leave in original order; and 3) Minlex, sort, remove duplicates, compare and add new to a "Master" file. Performance times are in the neighborhood of gridchecker.
Update, 2021_08_17: Posted release 2 of my minlex routine today with a release2 readme file. One bug was fixed and changes were made to comment out some code that was not reachable (thanks creint for your help.)
Original post:
I've been working on my MinLex routine and can't think of anything else to do to it to speed it up. I think it works, but I could use additional test cases to verify its logic such as large sets of 18 clue puzzles, symmetric puzzles, and other puzzles with unusual characteristics. On my 2.8 Ghz laptop it minlexes at approximately 60,000 per second after subtracting I/O time. I would like to thank Denis Berthier for providing his “Controlled-bias generator and collection” forum entry. I used the 511,215 puzzles in his Part12 file as general test cases.
A ReadMe file provides an introduction. It was developed in Visual Basic and an automatically generated C# version is also provided. You can view the source code and test files at:
- Code: Select all