Is there an executable, say MinLex9X9SR1.exe for Windows such that for any file A.txt of "puzzles":
MinLex9X9SR1.exe A.txt B.txt gives in B.txt the list of minLexed puzzles of A.txt?
I just added a folder on my GDrive (link provided above) containing MinLexDriver.exe and supporting files. It requires .Net runtime, version 6. (The program doesn't even start up on my very old desktop, but it works on newer laptops.)
It prompts for a process mode and then for a file name. It looks for the provided file (e.g 17puz49158.txt) in a folder named MinLexText_Output on the user's desktop and writes a results file to the same folder. If a file already exists with the results file name, it overwrites it. Example:
- Code: Select all
Select process mode:
1) Minlex file, sort and remove duplicates (default) or
2) Minlex and write results in original order or
3) Minlex and merge new with a "Master" .txt file of sorted Minlexed grids or
sub-grids. (The "Master" file is verified as sorted, but not as Minlexed.)
Process Mode = 1
Enter name of .txt file of puzzles or full grids to be minlexed:
The output file names are appended with 1) _Mls (MinLexed/Sorted); 2) _Mlus (Minlexed/Unsorted); or 3) _New.
In a few days I'll add an .exe that will process command line input with parameters.
On your second question:
Does your program work for any string of digits (0,1,...,9) or only for sudoku subgrids/grids?
It expects full grids to conform to SuDoKu rules. It does not verify this and the results may not be in MinLex form for invalid grids.
For subgrids, the only verified SuDoKu constraint is that no two rows or columns are empty (all zeros) in a band or stack. This edit means that at least 6 givens are required. Processing stops if this input error is encountered. Otherwise it will apply SuDoKu validity preserving transformations to any 81 character string of digits (0,1,...,9 or "." in place of 0).