Minimum givens on larger puzzles

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Re: Minimum givens on larger puzzles

Postby Serg » Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:47 am

Hi, ton!
ton wrote:I think minimum numbers are about "floor(n^2 / 4) - (h - 1)(w - 1)".

Are "h" and "w" from your formula height and width of the box? (For 20 x 20 Sudoku h=4, w=5, n=20.) How did you get this formula? It gives 16 - minimal number of clues for 9 x 9 Sudoku. Almost right answer.

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Re: Minimum givens on larger puzzles

Postby ton » Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:52 pm

Serg wrote:Are "h" and "w" from your formula height and width of the box? (For 20 x 20 Sudoku h=4, w=5, n=20.)


Serg wrote:How did you get this formula?

I and my acquaintances call the formula "例の式"("rei no shiki").

Serg wrote:It gives 16 - minimal number of clues for 9 x 9 Sudoku. Almost right answer.

I think that the formula give a value close to the minimum for other sizes too.
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Joined: 26 October 2010


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