links to all versions of SudokuExplainer?

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

links to all versions of SudokuExplainer?

Postby 999_Springs » Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:49 pm

there's been a lot of development on SudokuExplainer in recent years with all the new versions, but i haven't completely caught up with what they all are and what they do. could someone please point me to links on where to download all the versions of SudokuExplainer? i have a new laptop and would like to play around with them but don't know where exactly to look. this also includes the original version, because nick juillerat has taken his website down and i can no longer find a working link to download the original version (SE 1.2.1)

from memory, i recall that the following versions of SudokuExplainer exist. i have probably missed some - any corrections are welcome
  • the original one, SE 1.2.1 by nicholas juillerat
  • the modified one for use in the patterns game
  • 1to9only's version
  • tarek's version
  • SudokuMonster's version
  • SukakuExplainer (i think one of the above versions is also called this)
  • 6x6
  • 16x16
  • several dedicated versions to each variant (jigsaw, non consecutive, windoku, X) that are separate from 1to9only's version which also handles variants
  • pandiagonals? i don't know if this was created
finally, is there a specific version of java that i need to have installed to use some or all of these?
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Re: links to all versions of SudokuExplainer?

Postby 1to9only » Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:22 pm

999_Springs wrote:finally, is there a specific version of java that i need to have installed to use some or all of these?

I use java 8, last one I downloaded recently was java version "1.8.0_311".

Worth a look: Keith Corlett's much modified version:

For SixySudokus (3Rx2C+2Rx3C):
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