I'm making a new thread for this after it was first released on 2 Jan, 2019: here
I've since added a Dark theme, support for blocks of 3 rows x 2 columns, variants: Latin Square and Diagonals (X), an option for bigger cell size, and a 'Save as image...' option.
Usage: here.
Download: here.
- Code: Select all
.....12....3..2.......45.16......... 8 ED=1.5/1.2/1.2 2Rx3C
12.................34.....5......... 5 ED=1.5/1.2/1.2 2Rx3C, Diagonals (X)
.......1..2.3..4..5..2......1......6 8 ED=1.5/1.2/1.2 3Rx2C
.12...........3......4.............5 5 ED=1.5/1.2/1.2 3Rx2C, Diagonals (X)
.1.2...2......3.4.......25.1......3. 9 ED=1.5/1.5/1.5 Latin Square
....1........2.3........1.4.5....... 6 ED=1.5/1.5/1.5 Latin Square, Diagonals (X)