re'born wrote:Mauricio has earned respect on this forum by a consistent history of excellent and respectful posts.
Perhaps until this one. Maurico attacked my tenure, my persona, rather than address my post.
re'born wrote:
But then again, what do I know? It would
appear that you have been a forum member three times longer than I have.
You draw attention to the disrespect. Thank you.
re'born wrote:If you want your posts to be taken seriously, then perhaps you might first show some respect to other board members, as well as the new forum administrators who are working to correct the problems even though they are under no obligation to do so.
Three points, first one already stated.
1. "the new forum administrators" are the people who "broke" this forum.
2. I showed Maurico the respect he showed me, plus a month. You disrespected me, and yourself, by pointing out that anyone posting has a possibly unknown history and you used that against me, rather than in support.
3. "who are working to correct the problems even though they are under no obligation to do so"
If the forum doesn't work, if the "known posters" go elsewhere what will the purchase have been worth? Vested interest.