A nice topic about generating Jigsaw layouts from Mathimagics is at
How do you generate a valid Jigsaw layout?
1to9only wrote:I dont have issues here, delete the json file and a new one will be created on the next restart. The json file does not get updated if no setting has changed. The registry is not used as the code has been removed, unless youre using a very early version. Otherwise 'There is NO support for this program!'.
1to9only wrote:1to9only wrote:I dont have issues here, delete the json file and a new one will be created on the next restart. The json file does not get updated if no setting has changed. The registry is not used as the code has been removed, unless youre using a very early version. Otherwise 'There is NO support for this program!'.
To add that all my released Explainers have the same version numbers, so to tell the latest version is running is by the program size!
Also it is very unlikely high-rated jigsaws can be generated by the latest program, e.g. ED=11.9/11.9/2.6 posted here - during jigsaw generation, the code for advanced and nested chains are not enabled (they are commented out in my code to speed up jigsaw creation!). Earlier programs may have had the code enabled.
1to9only wrote:I've just tried Use Solution. It works in SukakuExplainer! Does not work in JigsawExplainer. Some code may be missing in JigsawExplainer!
The solution grid is saved internally for one-time use by the Generate dialog.
.....5......79.......3...4.5.4..6...4...5..9.9...............2..1.27............7 111223333112223433112225433611525444666555444666575884996577788996977788999977888
..29..43.8.......9.9.....6......7..........8....1......67......4........241..8... 122222334112223344511233444551133446555113466557788666577798866777999886799999888
urhegyi wrote:Anything changed in the algorithm?
urhegyi wrote:Is there a switch to turn off generalized intersection ... ?
1to9only wrote:urhegyi wrote:Anything changed in the algorithm?
Some jigsaw layouts, like H, will produce mostly high ratings with occasional low ratings. Switch to Classic Sudoku (j00) and low ratings are quite common. Both use the same code.urhegyi wrote:Is there a switch to turn off generalized intersection ... ?
No. When solving in GUI, you can click on 'Get all hints', ignore Generalized Intersections by selecting and applying one of the other hints listed.