gurth wrote:Gurth's Bombshell (GC28) : A New Challenge... you are CHALLENGED to solve this puzzle using NO chains, no nets, no fish, no wings, no colouring, no sets (locked or unlocked), no guesswork, no trial and error, no brute force and no computer. What you are required to use is intelligence and imagination.
- Code: Select all
*-----------* SE 8.4
That's how udosuk won the Emerald Challenge. And I shouldn't be surprised if he is the first to crack this CHALLENGE too.
Thanks for mentioning me... But sadly I couldn't even recall winning the Emerald Challenge... (The relentless performance from the Aussie cricketers was too good... ) Perhaps you'd like to provide a link as a reminder?
As for this challenge, I see from your restrictions only singles, box-line interactions and uniqueness moves are allowed... Looks more like a task for Carcul, RW or Ruud... Or Maria perhaps... Anyway will try with more effort in the next few days...