champagne wrote:Hi Denis
Sorry, but none of the 1465 collection resists to my solver. A very small number only exceed level two of the process. None enter level four.
Hi Champagne,
No reason of being sorry for this. Congratulations to your computer.
champagne wrote:Side question, where do you see any hidden T&E in the tagging process.
I didn't read the details of your tagging algorithm because I'm allergic to tagging (even though I published a tagging algorithm for nrc(z)(t) chains - for those who like it). I don't consider Sudoku playing as overloading the grid with thousands of tags. My interest in Sudoku is strictly focused on the pure logic approach and on clearly formulated resolution rules that can be used independently without tying the player to any specific algorithm. That's all. Nothing personal in this. If you like tagging, that's fine.
As for T&E, it is so easy to simulate T&E with tags that the burden of proving that your algorithm doesn't is on you. When a tagging algorithm is a clear implementation of a well defined resolution rule, things are clear, but your mixture is not.
champagne wrote:Last but not least, any T chain is fully compatible with what is done in my tagging process (in fact with nets of AICs as noticed DXP in another forum).
That's where you're missing the point:
1) I'm not looking for the
most general
algorithm including nets, subsets and whatever one may imagine, as in your second post - resulting in something totally unmanageable by a human solver. I'm looking for the
least general family of human oriented
patterns that allow solving puzzles a human can solve. I don't count EasterMonster among these. I'm therefore not very impressed by your claims that your program can solve everything.
2) My chains correspond to a whole family of patterns of increasing complexities (xy, hxy, xyt, hxyt, xyz, hxyz, xyzt, hxyzt,nrc, nrct, nrcz, nrczt). In my solver, simple patterns in this family are searched for before more complex ones; this entails some redundancy and some inefficiency; but I prefer it that way; anyway, I'm not in this forum to speak of my solver but of my resolution rules.
3) My chains are not nets, they really are chains: when building them, one follows a single path; your computer may not see the difference but any human player will; if, as you suggest, your program doesn't make any difference between a chain and a net, that's another reason for me for not being interested. Again, nothing personal.
champagne wrote:The main difference between what you are doing and tagging process is not in the taging itself,
It seems you don't understand the difference between a logic rule and an algorithm.
champagne wrote:but in the fact that I use groups, ALS AHS and AC2.
You're forgetting nets. Fine for you if you like all this stuff. My results show that this is very rarely needed. Anyway, as my chains can be used independently of any algorithm, each player can freely use them when he wants and mix them with whatever he likes best.
champagne wrote:The tagging is just a performing way to extract AICs chains.
Which brings us back to the question you never answered : have you devised any single NEW rule? If so, can you write it in a few lines? I'm not asking for being flooded with a listing of the previously known rules you have implemented, but for a single NEW rule.
champagne wrote:Excluding tagging of your competition is somehow an attempt to create a pool for poorly performing process
Who spoke of a competition?
Who spoke of processes (or programs)?
Who spoke of computer efficiency?
I was just wondering if anybody has clearly defined resolution rules that can deal with the puzzle I mentioned. This question remains unanswered.
I recall the puzzle: