Regular 8x8 Open Knight tour puzzle 02

Regular 8x8 Open Knight tour puzzle 03

Regular 8x8 Open Knight tour puzzle 04

Smythe Dakota wrote:Thank you, simon_blow_snow, for your concern (which you edited out, within seconds, after I made my post -- I'm sure I was the only one who saw it!).
I have often wondered what it would be like to sneak back to life briefly, just long enough to attend one's own funeral as an invisible ghost, to see what people are saying about you. Alternatively, one could start a phony thread, on a forum like this, announcing one's own demise, and watch the reactions pour in.
Better yet, one could just wait for someone else to discover something, then wait a while before setting the record straight. I might have had a little more fun, had I waited a while!
Bill Smythe (alive and kicking, as of 2-21-2012)
tarek wrote:Here is a difficult 4x4 Rook tour with obstacles requiring 3 lucky guesses
[Edit: apologies for posting the wrong puzzle. This Rook tour puzzle is actually very difficult and Solvable!!!!]
- Code: Select all
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
11 .. .. 12
.. 05 14 ..
Smythe Dakota wrote:tarek wrote: .... & Finally This one which should be easy if you can see 6 moves ahead
Closed King Tour 8x8
After wasting a few hours over several days, I finally figured out the trick to solving this one. Since nobody else has posted yet, I assume nobody will object if I divulge the clue I finally figured out.
Just go to various obscure cells (corners, near-corners, etc) and ask yourself "what can go here?" -- "this cell must lie on the path from what to what?". Fill in the "what's" with various givens.
For example, can the upper right corner cell be on the path from 1 to 6? Nope.
From 6 to 8? Nope. From 8 to 10? Nope. From 10 to 21? Well, maybe.
From 21 to 27? Nope. From 27 to 33? Nope. From 33 to 45? Nope.
From 45 to 53? Nope. From 53 to 59? Nope. From 59 to 1? Nope.
The only possibility is from 10 to 21. This path can barely be stretched long enough, so immediately the value in the upper right cell is forced, along with five others, and four more are severely limited.
Once I figured out that trick, the complete solution took only about 15 more minutes.
Bill Smythetarek wrote:
- Code: Select all
.. .. .. .. 01 .. .. ..
.. 21 .. .. .. .. .. ..
33 .. .. .. .. .. 53 ..
.. 27 .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57
06 .. 10 .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. 59 ..
.. .. 08 .. .. .. .. 45
simon_blow_snow wrote: .... Haha, you can imagine my shock when I saw your emerging post just after finished clicking "submit". Luckily I wasn't talking anything bad about you.....
.... Have to say the nice gentleman in that particular article in a certain way matched the public image you have been establishing here.
Serg wrote: .... It turns out, this puzzle is not minimal, because it still has unique solution after move "1" removal. (No other moves can be removed provided the puzzle must have unique solution.) ....
simon_blow_snow in 2012 wrote:It's been a while since the last update.
Just wondering how tarek has been going about creating that 5x5 (or higher) bishop's toroidal tour puzzle?
Monty Python wrote:There's a dead bishop on the landing!![]()
So many projects on hold ... I'm glad to have completed this one. Monty Python are officially banned from this threadMathimagics wrote:Monty Python wrote:There's a dead bishop on the landing!![]()
What's his diocese? It'll be tatooed on the back of his neck ...
I bet it pongs a bit after 7 years ...