daj95376 wrote:I now find JExocets for all but 56 puzzles in champagne's "03 E ..." file. Of those, 54 puzzles contain the target cells in a single mini-unit. These two puzzles complete the non-JExocet puzzles.
- Code: Select all
;21774;GP;KZ1C;1;2;r1c5 r1c6 r2c3 r2c9;;;;;
daj95376, it's good to see more corroboration of
champagne's findings, thanks. This seems more like a 3-digit "exocet" where the base cells each contain the same extra candidate value ("digit"). As a result, as
David P Bird observed elsewhere (sorry, no link), this digit must ultimately be placed in one of the base cells, I.e., r1c56=1. [
edit: Add second diagram and logic set, which replaces truths 234R2 with 234B1, i.e., daj95376's empty rectangle POV.]


(clickable thumbnail images)
- Code: Select all
With truths 234R2 (left diagram):
14 Truths = {234R2 234C348 1N56}
17 Links = {1234r1 23r4 2r5 4r7 34r8 2n3 234b2 234b3}
With truths in 234B1(right diagram):
14 Truths = {234R2 234C348 1N56}
17 Links = {1234r1 23r4 2r5 4r7 34r8 2n3 234b2 234b3}
For both:
4 Eliminations --> r1c389<>1, r2c3<>1
edit: After restricting the "3-digit jellyfish" to r2c348 (or c348b1), a minimal cover set ("link set") that provided r2c3<>1 was chosen.]
While XSUDO recognizes (1)r1c5=(1)r1c6 as a derived strong inference ("sis"), the program requires the 2n3 link in order for this derived sis to be true. I don't understand this requirement, even though r2c3 is one of
champagne's identified target cells. After the eliminations shown above, we are left with [
edit: locked candidates 1b1\r3 to get] hidden single r2c9=1. Whether or not this should be considered an exocet target is debatable IMO. Also, note truths 234R2 [
edit: or 234B1] which are not in a common exocet.
daj95376 wrote:- Code: Select all
;1952;elev;1806;2;2;2BN F1F3;not in band;;;;
This "exocet" was detailed