Hidden Text: Show
Hidden Text: Show
- Code: Select all
...4.9...31.....57....4.............8...5...6.............2....79.....23...3.5... 111111123144552223145522663445226633455266337456668397458888397488999997889977777
...4.9...31.....57....4.............8...5...6.............2....79.....23...3.5... 111111123144552223145522663445226633455266337456668397458888397488999997889977777
.74........9.....5....6..14...........3...6...........24..3....7.....9........19. 111111123144552223145522663445226633455266337456668397458888397488999997889977777
Analysis results
Difficulty rating: 6,6
This Sudoku can be solved using the following logical methods:
57 x Hidden Single (1,0-1,5)
4 x Direct Claiming (1,9)
1 x Direct Hidden Pair (2,0)
3 x Naked Single (2,3)
17 x Claiming (2,8)
1 x Naked Pair (3,0)
1 x X-Wing (3,2)
1 x XY-Wing (4,2)
3 x Generalized X-Wing (6,5)
4 x Forcing X-Chain (6,6)
Analysis results
Difficulty rating: 2,9
This Sudoku Jigsaw can be solved using the following logical methods:
54 x Hidden Single (1,0-1,5)
5 x Direct Pointing (1,7)
1 x Direct Claiming (1,9)
2 x Direct Hidden Pair (2,0)
3 x Naked Single (2,3)
10 x Pointing (2,6)
9 x Claiming (2,8)
8 x Generalized Intersection (2,9)
Eliminated candidates per Method and per Sudoku
Method \ Sudoku | SER | 1
Not counted elims | 0 | 108
Naked Singles | 0.1 | 34
Hidden Singles | 0.2 | 102
Naked Pair [2] | 3 | 5
Pointing/Claiming | 2.8 | 66
Locked Singles [3] | 2.9 | 30
Eliminated Cand's | 345 | 345
Sum(SER * Cand's) | 310.6 | 310.6
Initial Candidates : 345
Maximum SER rating : 3 <- Approach
Labour rating : 310.6 <- Experimental rating
Time needed : 00:00:02.169
SiSeSuSo Solver and Generator (version 2021-10)
...4.9...31.....57....4.............8...5...6.............2....79.....23...3.5... 111111123144552223145522663445226633455266337456668397458888397488999997889977777
.74........9.....5....6..14...........3...6...........24..3....7.....9........19. 111111123144552223145522663445226633455266337456668397458888397488999997889977777
1to9only wrote:Another quick fix (2021.10.26). This should fix the General Intersection problem.
There are other improvements as well, but the changes have not been tested much!
Mathimagics wrote:I notice that "serate" as command-line tool doesn't seem to read the json file, unfortunately, but simply relies on options to specify variants. Something for the future, perhaps?
-L LatinSquare
-X Diagonals
-D DisjointGroups
-W Windoku
-A Asterisk
-C CenterDot
-G Girandola
-H Halloween
-P PerCent
-S S-doku
-U Custom
-V OddEven
Mathimagics wrote:For custom layouts, only the GUI works for rating/analysis.
1to9only wrote:For cUstom and oddeVen sudokus, the json file is read, so the layout is loaded.
Specifying the -U or -V option uses the last saved layout, so command-line serate should work for these as well.
1to9only wrote:Another quick fix (2021.10.26). This should fix the General Intersection problem.
1to9only wrote:1to9only wrote:Another quick fix (2021.10.26). This should fix the General Intersection problem.
I've checked a few of my other Explainers - so far, I've only found Sukaku6x6Explainer needs the fix applied.
..9...5....1...3..78.....92...........................63.....49..4...2....6...4.. 111111123456616123456666223456622223455577323445777333445577778499998888999998888
1to9only wrote:I have not checked the example given.
If you check the solution paths, they will be different. This is due to the solving order of Singles and Subsets.
- Blocks (3x3) (if JSB), then Jigsaws (Irregular Regions) are checked - rating ED=1.2.
- Then Columns, Rows, and Variants (X) - rating ED=1.5
In SE:
- Blocks (3x3) (if not Latin Square) are checked - rating ED=1.2.
- Then Columns, Rows, and Variants (X,W,DG,etc. AND Jigsaws (Extra Regions)) - rating ED=1.5.
The pencilmarks are different enough that the grid is solved differently by SE/SJE. Otherwise the code for SE and SJE are very similar.