1to9only wrote:If you check the solution paths, they will be different. This is due to the solving order of Singles and Subsets and Intersections.
1to9only wrote:If you check the solution paths, they will be different. This is due to the solving order of Singles and Subsets and Intersections.
1to9only wrote:If you check the solution paths, they will be different. This is due to the solving order of Singles and Subsets and Intersections.
1to9only [EDITED] wrote:In SE:
- Blocks (3x3) (if not Latin Square) are checked- rating ED=1.2.
- Then Jigaws (cUstom 9 extra regions)
- Then Columns, Rows, and Variants (X,W,DG,etc.AND Jigsaws (Extra Regions))- rating ED=1.5.