Quick explanation where these come from:
On the compatibility graph of the 46656 1-digit templates, I searched for maximal cliques of size <9 (that is collections of compatible 1-digit templates, such that no further compatible template exists). Clearly there are countless maxcliques of size 7, such as
- Code: Select all
3 4 . | 2 . 1 | 5 6 7
2 . 1 | 5 6 7 | . 3 4
7 5 6 | 3 4 . | 2 . 1
5 6 7 | 4 . 3 | 1 . 2
4 . 3 | . 1 2 | 6 7 5
. 1 2 | 6 7 5 | 3 4 .
6 7 5 | 1 3 4 | . 2 .
1 3 4 | . 2 . | 7 5 6
. 2 . | 7 5 6 | 4 1 3
with a nice 9-loop for the remaining two digits.
More interestingly, there exists a large number (no idea how many) of maxcliques with size 6, of which I generated 59308:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yd_V9YmHOsGk9KrBJ3pD5KL9XbzrnuKh/view?usp=sharingThe patterns of empty cells within these, when minlexed, come down to 40 impossible 3-digit patterns:
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Note that these, as complements to maximal cliques, are also impossible 1-digit patterns, when interpreted as corner pencilmarks referring to boxes, rows or columns.
From some of the 59308 maxcliques of size 6, all instances of one more digit can be removed, such that the sudoku still has no solutions. This results in a list of 1616 grids with impossible 4-digit patterns for the missing digits.
Extracting those patterns and minlexing resulted in the five unique 4-digit patterns I gave earlier:
- Code: Select all
And from these one can of course generate a number of "minimal impossibles", some of which I've also shown.