ronk wrote:What is the origin of this puzzle
This is an old puzzle published on the wayne gould site and imported on a French forum in November 2005.
I published that loop end of summer 2007, when the solver became efficient using AC/AHS.
I have seen recently a similar loop in another puzzle (likely in the last lots form coloin), but I can't remember which one.
ronk wrote:Wow! That's an SK-loop variant (this one with 13 eliminations) I've not seen before.
However, in order that the nice loop reflect the 6 eliminations in b1, b3 and b7,
I would prefer triply-linking AALSs as follows: . . .
I agree that linked ALS AALS ... can produce very nice things.
For many reasons, (basically redundancy for easy cases and lack of efficient process for other cases)I do not use that method.
I just appreciate when nice examples are produced;