For the benefit of any who may be following this thread, but possibly not fully comprehending, I think it might well be appreciated if clarity on a small number of points was established, all with respect to dual-linked ALS
1. I have pointed out (but had it been another, I would be making the same point) that with very simple logic, the eliminations can immediately be noted.
I did refer to this approach as child's play, not at all intended as exaggeration.
That is : without recourse to ALS chains, or ALS nice loops, or base sets and different rank 0 coverings, one gets there faster and simpler.
For those who are continuing with a more complicated approach, and discussing complexifying definitions such as
Doubly-linked ALS xz-rule: When ALS1 in unit U1 (row, column, box, sector, house) and ALS2 in U2 are doubly-linked by RCC1 in U3 and RCC2 in U4, except for the candidates of ALS1 and ALS2, the following eliminations are valid:
* in U1, all non-RCC-like candidates of ALS1,
* in U2, all non-RCC-like candidates of ALS2.
* in U3, all RCC1-like candidates, and
* in U4, all RCC2-like candidates.
Should ALS1 (or ALS2) be confined to a box-line intersection, U1 (or U2) is a box. "Non-RCC-like" means both RCC1 and RCC2
can you expian the need for that ? or at least agree that yes, from a manual solver's point of view, it is all unnecessary but of interest from a programming perspective.
Otherwise I believe there is or will be confusion where there should be enlightenment.
2 Why is there is continuing reference to ALS-xz when that technique would apply merely to the (generally speaking) minor eliminations (ie anything which for a given RCD sees all its occurences it in both sets) ? I find this a misnomer and must assume that it is confusing.