eleven wrote:MR+MD imply HT+RS+CS (and trivially MC):
Excellent observation!

I just don't have time to look at it in details right now

I suppose the next step you will investigate why MR+MD+JR implies QT, DM etc...

eleven wrote:MR+MD imply HT+RS+CS (and trivially MC):
2 23201 574139682621478395839256147742391568198564723356782419267913854485627931913845276 1 37
2 257606 413526987572189643968743125341978562297615438856432719725861394689354271134297856 1 134
2 267642 691375428752184693483269157319857246246931875578642319827496531964513782135728964 1 79
3 57 395782164287146539641593728716254983954318672832679415428967351579831246163425897 1 10
3 193 587632419326491785914758623275984361843516972169327548732169854691845237458273196 1 30
3 326 682753491195842763347169285834527619579631824261498357958376142726914538413285976 1 9
3 658 497836152251479683638152947863521479974368215125947836749683521512794368386215794 1 8
3 683 682715439537924681419386572796438125823561794145297863961842357278153946354679218 1 22
3 729 483529671671843592952761438716438925529617384834952167295176843167384259348295716 1 28
3 841 829153647754869231163724598231547986598631472647298315376482159415976823982315764 1 25
3 847 361542987792638145458971362924857631583164729617293854839415276246789513175326498 1 7
3 3002 246395178137864295589172463758216934613489752924537681861943527375621849492758316 1 32
4 112 318476295692583741754921386469317528237658419185294637526849173873162954941735862 1 37 79
4 525 137295486582476139496138752268759314953641278741823695615384927379562841824917563 1 79 86
4 2189 384792516972561843561384927297648135135927468648135279453816792729453681816279354 1 79 134
6 1 894362715312875496756941832569784321173526984248139657625498173487213569931657248 1 10 37
6 3 421638759963175284785249631247316895196852473538497162814963527352784916679521348 1 22 37
6 4 618273954237954681954681237186732495372549168549816723723168549491325876865497312 1 30 134
6 7 958163742632794518714582936593826471276431895841957263185349627369275184427618359 1 10 79
6 10 538179246249856731617243985853791624924568173761432598372685419486917352195324867 1 9 134
6 14 376915428851247963429683175537196284962438751184752639715369842248571396693824517 1 10 37 40
6 16 619543782453827169872916543728169435345278691961354278196782354287435916534691827 1 8 134
6 18 356948217918276354274315986829157643635894172147632895791523468563489721482761539 1 22 37 43
6 18 526189473437256981819347562698473215743521698251968734985734126162895347374612859 1 32 134
6 19 184673259957812643632945781579128436341756892826439517213564978795281364468397125 1 30 134 143
6 21 346759812579812436182436759957128364634597128218364597721945683493681275865273941 1 30 79
6 24 561743298374982561892615473256839147437156829189427356625398714918274635743561982 1 28 134
6 28 176298435435761892829354167287916354354872619691543278712435986968127543543689721 1 25 134
6 39 789126453365498127412357698621984735873561249594273816956712384237849561148635972 1 28 134 144
6 42 395426718284371695716589234872695341453718926169234587947152863638947152521863479 1 9 79
6 63 892643715346715982175982634928436157634571829751298346289364571517829463463157298 1 28 79
6 70 198624375425713689763598142542137896637859214819246753254371968376985421981462537 1 22 79
6 72 965471823471328956328965417714832569832659174596147238147283695283596741659714382 1 8 134 135
6 76 215978643647325198389641572764253819532819467198467235476532981851794326923186754 1 25 134 145
6 91 793256841146798352258143697625814973379625418814379526562481739431967285987532164 1 25 79
6 100 483956271596721483271843596148537629359268147627419358862394715735182964914675832 1 8 79
6 110 795428163248361795163975824957284631824136957631597482586743219419652378372819546 1 7 79
6 149 284967351713852469695134278371528946569341827428679135842796513137285694956413782 1 32 134 142
6 262 162347958859261734437589162985126347743895216621473589598612473374958621216734895 1 32 79
8 29 723468195815392764649571283372986451964157832581234679237649518158723946496815327 1 37 79 86 134
9 1 163495287824371695759286341275618934396542718481937562948723156632154879517869423 1 10 25 32
9 1 293816754547923618186574293618239475932457186754168329861392547475681932329745861 1 8 26
9 1 394687125867251493521934768786493512439125876152768349248579631613842957975316284 1 7 8 9 10
9 1 472369518869157423153482967986571234315824679247693185724936851698715342531248796 1 9 30 32
9 1 698723154542981376713654829869237541371546298254819763986372415425198637137465982 1 10 28 30 32
9 1 796328415124657389853491672485916723612573894379284156568139247231745968947862531 1 8 32
9 1 812375469964812573537649218128496357375128946496537182281753694753964821649281735 1 8 29
9 1 953678421781425693246391578369187245812549736475236189698714352524963817137852964 1 22 25
9 2 925463718781295634364718529259871463178634295643529871896142357412357986537986142 1 7 28 30
9 3 256843719917652438348197652562438971483971265179526843791265384834719526625384197 1 8 28 30 32
9 3 651983274974215638238647951382764519749521386516398742897452163123876495465139827 1 8 25 32
9 3 691573482357824691482916357925487136748361925136259748813795264264138579579642813 1 22 25 32
9 3 814956327732148695695327481327569814956481273148273956261835749583794162479612538 1 7 9
9 6 872391546693754182451268973918546327745132698236879415129683754387415269564927831 1 22 32
9 7 254761839937584126681392457728436591346915278195827643872643915519278364463159782 1 7 30 32
9 7 279186534354729861816345297695471328482963715731852649567214983948637152123598476 1 9 28 32
12 1 568472391392186574417359826186297435724835619935614287853741962641923758279568143 1 10 37 40 79
12 5 627934185458612793193587426974251368286473519315869274532798641841326957769145832 1 22 37 43 79
12 6 945827163276513984138694257481769532762351849359482671893246715627135498514978326 1 30 79 134 143
12 14 936182475281745639574639812369854721712396584845271396157428963693517248428963157 1 28 79 134 144
12 21 367915482421683579958274613736591248142368957895427361673159824214836795589742136 1 32 79 134 142
12 22 712635498563498127849127635356849712127356849498271563984712356635984271271563984 1 8 79 134 135
12 23 346891275527643981891725436752364198918257643463918527189572364634189752275436819 1 25 79 134 145
18 1 148295736763481259952763418529637841637814925481952673394578162216349587875126394 1 7 9 79
18 1 254367198168294357397158264643581729982673415571942836726815943419736582835429671 1 8 28 134 135
18 1 315269478672841395498537612186495723753612984924378156261984537547123869839756241 1 22 25 79
18 1 378125964192364758465798123736489512514632879829571436643917285251843697987256341 1 10 22 37 40
18 1 467521839125938467983764251398476125746215398251389746674152983512893674839647512 1 8 31 79
18 1 648327519529816743713945628851634297362791485974582136435269871287153964196478352 1 8 32 134 135
18 1 672385194481296375593174286257963841349851762168742953914638527735429618826517439 1 8 27 79
18 1 932158647851647239746239158518476392293581764674923581329764815467815923185392476 1 8 30 134 135
18 1 948671253253849176617523894325716948761498532894235761489352617532167489176984325 1 8 9 134 135
18 2 215876934786934512394125768867512349943687125152493687521349876678251493439768251 1 7 8 9 10 79
18 2 319675248576248913842913675281397564654821397937564821795486132123759486468132759 1 8 29 79
18 2 427618593359247168168953274742186359816539427935472816593861742681724935274395681 1 8 26 79
18 2 439825761671349258285617493716258934943761582528493176394176825852934617167582349 1 8 32 79
18 2 684312975372569814951478263519624387723185496846793521195836742237941658468257139 1 7 25 28 79
18 2 687124359395876421412953678243795186168432597579681234724368915951247863836519742 1 10 28 30 32 79
18 2 738541926659287431412639578241963785973158264865724319597812643386475192124396857 1 22 25 134 145
18 2 867342195519687324432159678741938562398526417256471983975213846123864759684795231 1 9 30 32 134 142
18 2 913746825786512439542983167169837254435129678827465391351678942698254713274391586 1 8 22 79
18 3 176839524893524167542167839725483916961752483438916752387295641614378295259641378 1 8 28 30 32 79
18 3 264719853918453762357862419725698134831524697496137528149375286672981345583246971 1 8 25 32 79
18 3 264857913578193246931426587346578129192634758785219364857941632623785491419362875 1 22 32 134 142
18 3 371964825694852371258317946749526183183749652526183497965238714417695238832471569 1 10 23 79
18 3 825746193931825674674931258467319825193258467582467319258674931319582746746193582 1 8 28 30 32 134 135 142 143 144
18 3 872951364159364278463278951518493726394726815627815493941632587785149632236587149 1 10 25 32 79
18 3 936782415874591623251364987369827541748915362512643798693278154125436879487159236 1 22 25 32 134 142
18 4 567214839934658721128397465641725983385469172279831546853142697792586314416973258 1 8 24 79
18 6 695314827473628195821597463956431278734862951218759634167983542542176389389245716 1 9 28 32 79
18 6 924183675831567924675492831319875246758624319246931758487216593162359487593748162 1 8 25 32 134 135 142 145
18 6 984653271563127489721498563872549316316782945495361827149836752257914638638275194 1 22 32 79
18 7 791624538426835791538197426162953847847261359359748162974516283615382974283479615 1 22 25 32 79
18 8 927436581158729346463518927832965714695174832714382695346851279581297463279643158 1 7 30 32 79
27 1 246891573819753624735264981167329845392485716458176239624537198981642357573918462 1 7 8 9 10 28 30 32
27 1 857612439394578261261439857578261943439785126126943578785126394612394785943857612 1 8 22 25 32
36 1 168742935742395618395168472953274186274681359816539247539427861681953724427816593 1 8 30 79 134 135 143
36 1 316895724249371685857264931631958472984712563725643198478126359592437816163589247 1 22 25 79 134 145
36 1 341786925286915734975342861437891652168254379529673148754168293892437516613529487 1 10 22 37 40 43 79
36 1 542318697968742153173956824726435918381679542459281736834197265215863479697524381 1 22 25 79 86
36 1 598263741172459386634817925813945672457326198269781534941632857325178469786594213 1 8 25 79 134 135 145
36 1 763482159149537268258691743315824976926375814874916325597248631681753492432169587 1 8 28 79 134 135 144
36 2 581273964732946851469158723953617482176824395248395176395761248824539617617482539 1 7 9 79 86
36 2 718326495569784123243591678695847231432915786187263954871632549324159867956478312 1 22 32 79 134 142
36 2 793846521165372894428519367937684215651237948284951673842195736516723489379468152 1 8 32 79 134 135 142
36 3 374162958895437216621589743753894162948621537216375489162943875587216394439758621 1 22 25 32 79 134 142 145
54 1 361485297972163458845927361729631845458279136613854729297316584136548972584792613 1 8 9 28 30 32 134 135 142 143 144
54 1 374968512986251473152347896869125347521734689743896251215473968698512734437689125 1 8 24 25 31 32 79
54 1 428395176953176842761842395219587634634219587587634219145968723896723451372451968 1 8 9 28 30 32 134 135
54 1 516348792483972561729651438874129356291536847365487219657814923932765184148293675 1 10 22 25 32 79
54 1 768214935249635781153789264836172459927456813415893672684321597392567148571948326 1 10 22 25 32 37 40 43
54 1 825194763637258941419376582541639278963827154782415396196783425378542619254961837 1 8 24 25 27 32 79
54 1 879542316635187294421963758754621983296835147318479562167298435582314679943756821 1 8 22 25 32 134 135 142 145
54 2 638297451451368792279541638386729514514836927792154386863972145145683279927415863 1 8 22 25 32 79
54 2 915687243423915786876234195234591678768423519159768324687342951591876432342159867 1 7 8 9 10 25 28 30 32 79
72 1 782145369394768125516923847927814536651239478843576912165392784238457691479681253 1 22 25 37 43 79 86 134 145
72 1 841569327659372418732481596327956841596148732418237659273814965965723184184695273 1 8 10 37 40 79 86 134 135
108 1 569342718284719635371685942942137856635428197718956423856294371423871569197563284 1 10 22 25 32 37 40 43 79
108 1 742369518961258437853147629427936185619825374538714296385471962196582743274693851 1 8 22 25 32 79 134 135 142 145
108 1 983674512674251839251983746398125674467398251125467983839746125512839467746512398 1 8 10 28 30 32 79 134 135 142 143 144
162 1 514382967823697541697145328451238679769514283382769415976451832238976154145823796 1 8 9 22 25 30 32 134 135 142 145
648 1 639821754281745396475369812754936128812574963396182547128457639963218475547693281 1 8 10 22 25 32 37 40 43 79 86 134 135 142 145
Red Ed wrote:Not true - see last line in previous post.eleven wrote:And (thanks to StrmCkr) the MC grid has all the 26 symmetries - its just a matter of finding them.
udosuk wrote:Now all the hard data is there, just waiting for some time & effort from us to formulate them nicely.
B..cyclically move the bands downwards (B123->B231)
S..cyclically move the stacks rightwards (S123->S231)
Bx..exchange B1 and B3 (B123->B321)
Sx..exchange S1 and S3 (S123->S321)
R1 (R2, R3)..cyclically move the rows in band 1(2,3) downwards (r123->r231)
C1 (C2, C3)..cyclically move the columns in stack 1 (2.3) rightwards (c123->c231)
R..cyclically move the rows in all bands downwards (R1R2R3 or r123456789->r231564897)
C..cyclically move the colums in all stacks rightwards (C1C2C3 or r123456789->r231564897)
Rx..invert the order (exchange the first and 3rd) of the rows in all bands (r123456789->r321654987)
Sx..invert the order (exchange the first and 3rd) of the colums in all stacks (c123456789->c321654987)
D..mirror at the main diagonal from r1c1 to r9c9 (r123456789<->c123456789)
D2..mirror at the subdiagonal from r1c9 to r9c1 (r123456789<->c987654321)
MR: 149 253 687 MD 165 297 348
+-------+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+-------+
| 1 4 9 | 2 5 3 | 6 8 7 | | 1 4 9 | 2 5 3 | 6 7 8 |
| 7 6 8 | 4 9 1 | 3 2 5 | | 7 6 8 | 4 9 1 | 3 5 2 |
| 3 2 5 | 6 8 7 | 9 1 4 | | 3 2 5 | 6 8 7 | 9 4 1 |
+-------+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+-------+
| 9 1 4 | 5 3 2 | 8 7 6 | | 9 1 4 | 5 3 2 | 8 6 7 |
| 8 7 6 | 9 1 4 | 2 5 3 | | 8 7 6 | 9 1 4 | 2 3 5 |
| 5 3 2 | 8 7 6 | 1 4 9 | | 5 3 2 | 8 7 6 | 1 9 4 |
+-------+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+-------+
| 4 9 1 | 7 6 8 | 5 3 2 | | 4 9 1 | 7 6 8 | 5 2 3 |
| 6 8 7 | 3 2 5 | 4 9 1 | | 6 8 7 | 3 2 5 | 4 1 9 |
| 2 5 3 | 1 4 9 | 7 6 8 | | 2 5 3 | 1 4 9 | 7 8 6 |
+-------+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+-------+
Red Ed wrote:My calculations go a step further and actually find the symmetry group in each case. So, for example, where gsf - and kjellfp before him - shows a count of 548449 e-d grids that each have exactly two (one non-trivial + the identity) automorphisms, I have shown that the corresponding 548449 symmetry groups boil down to "essentially" just three types. (Actually that is obvious from the table of conjugacy classes; but other parts of the table are not obvious.)
gsf wrote:download the fileJPF wrote:Would it possible to get your list of grids with #aut>1 ?
its a 55Mi file of 560151 grids gzip compressed to 9.6Mi
it took ~5 hours to scan through the list of all grids to generate the data
the data iswhere index is the minlex index in the list of all grids counting from 1
- Code: Select all
grid # automorphisms band index
if you have success downloading and decompressing then feel
free to post the above and your notes on the player's forum
Red Ed wrote:But it's a good prod: I ought to write out the number of e-d grids for each symmetry group. That's just a case of running the program again (fairly quick) and maintaining a counter for each symmetry group.
JPF wrote:How many automorphisms are there in each of the 26 conjugacy classes ?
eleven wrote:DBS is equivalent to a combination of D and BS (equivalence in the sense, that if a puzzle has DBS symmetry, it also has both D and BS symmetry and vice versa). I dont have a proof for the "vice versa" part.
| 1 9 6 | 2 7 4 | 3 8 5 |
| 2 7 5 | 3 8 6 | 1 9 4 |
| 3 8 4 | 1 9 5 | 2 7 6 |
| 5 1 8 | 6 2 9 | 4 3 7 |
| 6 3 9 | 4 1 7 | 5 2 8 |
| 4 2 7 | 5 3 8 | 6 1 9 |
| 9 6 1 | 7 4 2 | 8 5 3 |
| 8 4 2 | 9 5 3 | 7 6 1 |
| 7 5 3 | 8 6 1 | 9 4 2 |
Sticks (1)(2)(3)(47)(58)(69)
JR (123)(456)(789)
Sticks-JR (132)(495768)
after DM, c56
+-------+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+-------+
| 6 2 8 | 1 9 4 | 5 7 3 | | 6 1 3 | 9 4 7 | 8 2 5 |
| 1 9 4 | 3 7 5 | 6 2 8 | | 2 9 7 | 1 8 5 | 4 6 3 |
| 3 7 5 | 6 2 8 | 1 9 4 | | 8 4 5 | 6 2 3 | 9 1 7 |
+-------+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+-------+
| 9 1 6 | 4 8 2 | 3 5 7 | | 1 3 6 | 4 7 9 | 2 5 8 |
| 7 5 3 | 9 1 6 | 4 8 2 | | 9 7 2 | 8 5 1 | 6 3 4 |
| 4 8 2 | 7 5 3 | 9 1 6 | | 4 5 8 | 2 3 6 | 1 7 9 |
+-------+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+-------+
| 8 4 9 | 2 6 1 | 7 3 5 | | 5 6 1 | 3 9 4 | 7 8 2 |
| 2 6 1 | 5 3 7 | 8 4 9 | | 7 2 9 | 5 1 8 | 3 4 6 |
| 5 3 7 | 8 4 9 | 2 6 1 | | 3 8 4 | 7 6 2 | 5 9 1 |
+-------+-------+-------+ +-------+-------+-------+
Sticks (1)(24)(37)(5)(69)(8) JR (142)(375)(698)
The set of group elements h'gh, for g fixed and h ranging over the whole group (of 3359232 elements), is called the conjugacy class of g. The class size is the number of different values that h'gh can take. For example, if g is the identity, e, then h'gh = e always and so the class size is 1. Two symmetries are in the same class iff they are "essentially" the same, in the sense explained by JPF above. For example, cycling the rows in band 1 is "essentially" the same as cycling the columns in stack 2 (say).eleven wrote:Red Ed, please could you explain, what the class size ...
That's the number of solution grids, with top row = 123456789, that are either totally unchanged by application of the given symmetry, or are effectively just relabelled by application of that symmetry. I counted them like this.... and the "number of grids fixed up to relabelling" mean (how are they calculated).
OK, I'll try to get round to it tonight.Is there any relation between those numbers and the number of non-equivalent (e-d/essentially different) grids, that have this symmetry ? I still would be interested in this number for each symmetry.