Smythe Dakota wrote:Let's do it with numbers. Somebody come up with two 5-digit prime numbers, and ask for a path between them, changing one digit at a time, such that every intermediate 5-digit number is prime.
Bill Smythe
As far as I can tell there are 8363 five digit prime numbers ranging from 10007 - 99991. Any two such primes can be connected via a minimum path of at most 10 steps (from the first prime). There is only 1 pair of five digit primes, 88259 and 99721 where a 10 step connection path is required, one such path being:
- Code: Select all
1 78259
2 79259
3 79159
4 79151
5 79181
6 39181
7 39161
8 39761
9 99761
10 99721
A minimum connection path between the lowest and highest 5 digit primes (10007 and 99991) requires only 5 steps, one such path being:
- Code: Select all
1 90007
2 90001
3 90901
4 99901
5 99991
What else would you like to know ?
<Edit> Corrected error in first path and improved presentation to be more consistent with previous discussions on word ladders.