lunababy_moonchild wrote:MCC wrote:OERefD.
What is that?

Sorry I was being a bit lazy there, I should have at least included full stops.
Oxford English Reference Dictionary
Chessmaster wrote:i told him he could use letters. he says that it is still logic and that logic is a skill needed for math,...
In a sense you've already got him in that he says "logic is a skill needed for math" not that math is a skill needed for logic.
Chessmaster wrote:... and that if you use logic in any form it is the same as the logic needed for math.
How about the logical structure of the English language? Do you need to use math to construct a sentence or paragraph?
Chessmaster wrote:aslo my friend does not understand why i like to solve sudoku puzzles. so it would be hard to show him that it is not math related.
Some people find it hard to understand why people do crosswords or read books. I don't think this is something you can teach them.
Chessmaster if your friend is still being belligerent you could try this:
Draw a single cell coordinates r1c1 and a number N and tell him to place the number N according to the rules of Sudoku.
Ask your friend did he use math to place the number.
Draw a 2x2 grid consisting of four cells and two numbers N and N+1
And again ask him to place the numbers according to the rules of Sudoku.
Again ask him if he used math to place the numbers.
You could extend this to 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 grids.
Bring him back to the 3x3 grid and ask him to place the numbers 1-9 accordingly.
Extend this to two 3x3 grids, then four 3x3 grids.
Ask him each time if he is using math to place numbers.
Hopefully you'll be able to convince your friend that he is not using math in solving Sudoku.