after a twelve year absence from this forum - at first, thank you for providing this tool.

I had been working with Nicolas Juillerat's explainer for long, but since it was on Java Script only I was to dumb to download it with my old PC. Today I experienced another failure when I tried anew.
Now I downloaded your program, and I used this site
https://www.7-zip.org/download.html . I downloaded "Download .msi 64-bit x64 7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64". I will open the .msi-file when I'm home again and not at work, then I'll tell you more.
Edit: I couldn't open the program.
- Has this 7-zip.org even any connection with the YZF_Sudoku program?
- Or Filezilla? What is that?
I hate it when I want to download something and then suddenly there are other things in package I never wanted and the thing I want I can't reach.
Please help me.