Until now, you got only the simplest pedagogical examples of xyt-chains.
Now fasten your seat belts for a jump into hyperspace.
(Try to solve it before looking at the solution).
(xyzt-chains are an extension of xyt-chains, where the target value is allowed as an optional additional candidate in any cell that is linked to the target cell.)
CLIPS> (solve-nth-grid-from-text-file Sudogen0 3949)
***** SudoRules version 12 *****
number 8 : hidden-single-in-row R3 ==> R3C6 = 8
number 8 : hidden-single-in-block B8 ==> R8C5 = 8
number 8 : hidden-single-in-block B7 ==> R9C2 = 8
number 9 : hidden-single-in-block B8 ==> R8C6 = 9
number 9 : hidden-single-in-block B2 ==> R2C5 = 9
number 4 : hidden-single-in-block B2 ==> R1C6 = 4
number 1 : hidden-single-in-block B2 ==> R3C4 = 1
number 7 : hidden-single-in-row R5 ==> R5C1 = 7
number 9 : hidden-single-in-block B4 ==> R4C1 = 9
number 8 : hidden-single-in-block B4 ==> R6C1 = 8
number 8 : hidden-single-in-block B6 ==> R4C8 = 8
number 6 : hidden-single-in-column C3 ==> R3C3 = 6
number 6 : hidden-single-in-column C4 ==> R8C4 = 6
number 6 : hidden-single-in-row R7 ==> R7C7 = 6
number 6 : hidden-single-in-block B3 ==> R2C8 = 6
number 6 : hidden-single-in-block B6 ==> R5C9 = 6
number 6 : hidden-single-in-block B5 ==> R6C6 = 6
number 9 : hidden-single-in-block B6 ==> R5C7 = 9
number 9 : hidden-single-in-block B3 ==> R1C9 = 9
number 9 : hidden-single-in-block B1 ==> R3C2 = 9
number 7 : hidden-single-in-row R3 ==> R3C8 = 7
number 7 : hidden-single-in-block B9 ==> R8C9 = 7
number 4 : row R9 interaction with block B9
==> 4 eliminated from the candidates for R8C8
number 4 : row R9 interaction with block B9
==> 4 eliminated from the candidates for R8C7
number 5 : block B2 interaction with column C4
==> 5 eliminated from the candidates for R9C4
number 5 : block B2 interaction with column C4
==> 5 eliminated from the candidates for R4C4
number 4 : block B3 interaction with column C7
==> 4 eliminated from the candidates for R9C7
number 4 : block B3 interaction with column C7
==> 4 eliminated from the candidates for R4C7
number 2 : x-wing-in-columns C4 and C9 with rows R4 and R9
==> 2 eliminated from the candidates for R9C8
number 2 : x-wing-in-columns C4 and C9 with rows R4 and R9
==> 2 eliminated from the candidates for R9C7
number 2 : x-wing-in-columns C4 and C9 with rows R4 and R9
==> 2 eliminated from the candidates for R9C6
number 2 : x-wing-in-columns C4 and C9 with rows R4 and R9
==> 2 eliminated from the candidates for R4C7
numbers 1 and 5 : naked-pairs-in-row R4: R4C3-R4C7
==> 5 eliminated from the candidates for R4C5
numbers 1 and 5 : naked-pairs-in-row R4: R4C3-R4C7
==> 1 eliminated from the candidates for R4C5
number 2 : c4-chain row-bl-col on cells R1C2-R1C8-R2C7-R8C7
==> 2 eliminated from the candidates for R8C2
number 5 : xyzt9-chain-type-1 on cells R9C6*, R7C6*, R5C6, R5C5, R5C8, R1C8, R3C7, R3C1 and R7C1* with numbers 5, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 3
==> 5 eliminated from the candidates for R7C5
number 5 : column C5 interaction with block B5
==> 5 eliminated from the candidates for R5C6
number 3 : xyt9-chain on cells R7C5*, R9C6, R7C6, R5C6, R5C5, R5C8, R1C8, R3C7 and R3C1* with numbers 3, 1, 5, 2, 1, 5, 2, 3 and 4
==> 3 eliminated from the candidates for R7C1
number 3 : c4-chain row-bl-col on cells R1C8-R1C3-R3C1-R8C1
==> 3 eliminated from the candidates for R8C8
number 5 : xyzt8-chain-type-1 on cells R4C7*, R5C8*, R5C6, R9C6, R7C6, R9C4, R9C7 and R8C8* with numbers 5, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 3 and 1
==> 5 eliminated from the candidates for R6C8
number 3 : xyt10-chain on cells R7C5*, R9C6, R7C6, R7C1, R7C2, R7C3, R8C3, R4C3, R4C7 and R9C7* with numbers 3, 1, 5, 2, 5, 7, 3, 1, 5 and 1
==> 3 eliminated from the candidates for R9C4
number 2 : naked-single ==> R9C4 = 2
number 3 : naked-single ==> R4C4 = 3
number 4 : naked-single ==> R4C5 = 4
number 2 : naked-single ==> R4C9 = 2
number 4 : naked-single ==> R9C9 = 4
number 4 : hidden-single-in-column C8 ==> R6C8 = 4
number 2 : hidden-single-in-row R5 ==> R5C6 = 2
number 3 : hidden-single-in-column C5 ==> R7C5 = 3
number 2 : row R7 interaction with block B7
==> 2 eliminated from the candidates for R8C1
number 3 : row R9 interaction with block B9
==> 3 eliminated from the candidates for R8C7
number 1 : xyzt7-chain-type-3 on cells R4C3*, R4C7, R5C8, R8C8*, R1C8, R1C3 and R7C3* with numbers 1, 5, 1, 5, 2, 3 and 7
==> 1 eliminated from the candidates for R8C3
number 5 : xyt5-chain on cells R6C2*, R4C3, R8C3, R1C3 and R1C4* with numbers 5, 1, 5, 3 and 7
==> 5 eliminated from the candidates for R1C2
number 2 : xyt5-chain on cells R1C2*, R1C4, R1C3, R8C3 and R7C1* with numbers 2, 7, 5, 3 and 5
==> 2 eliminated from the candidates for R7C2
number 2 : hidden-single-in-block B7 ==> R7C1 = 2
number 5 : xyzt5-chain-type-3 on cells R6C2*, R4C3, R8C3, R8C1* and R8C2* with numbers 5, 1, 5, 3 and 4
==> 5 eliminated from the candidates for R7C2
number 1 : c6-chain on cells R9C6-R7C6-R7C3-R4C3-R4C7-R5C8
==> 1 eliminated from the candidates for R9C8
number 5 : xyz-wing on cells R4C7*, R9C7* and R9C8* with numbers 5, 1 and 3
==> 5 eliminated from the candidates for R8C7
number 5 : xy5-chain on cells R7C6*, R7C2, R1C2, R1C8 and R9C8* with numbers 5, 1, 7, 2 and 3
==> 5 eliminated from the candidates for R9C6
number 1 : naked-single ==> R9C6 = 1
number 5 : naked-single ==> R7C6 = 5
number 1 : row R7 interaction with block B7
==> 1 eliminated from the candidates for R8C2
number 5 : row R9 interaction with block B9
==> 5 eliminated from the candidates for R8C8
row R1 : hxy5-cn-chain on cn-cells C2N2*, C7N2, C7N1, C3N1 and C3N7* with rows R1, R2, R8, R4 and R7
==> R1 eliminated from the cn-candidates for C2N7
i.e. 7 eliminated from the candidates for R1C2
…(NS and HS)…