denis_berthier wrote:re'born wrote:What am I missing? Am I allowed to work right to left as well? That is can I write:
{9 3} - {3 7} - {7 9} - {9 8 (7#6)} - {8 7 (9#3)} - {7 9}
No, this is not an xyt-chain. 9#3 in cell 5 is OK, but 7#6 is not allowed in cell 4. If this is the pattern you use in your elimination, I'm very curious to know how you can justify it without Hinges.
Thank you for clarifying. The justification for adding the 7 is quite simple (once you grasp subset counting). Without the 7, one can at most put two 7's in the six cells. Adding the 7 to r3c9 does not change this.
denis_berthier wrote:The pattern for an xyt-chain of length 6 is:
{1 2} - {2 3} - {3 4 (2#1)} - {4 5 (2#1)(3#2)} - {5 6 (2#1)(3#2)(4#3)} - {6 1 (2#1)(3#2) (4#3) (5#4)},
from which you see that you can only work from left to right.
So it seems that your xyt-chains are slightly more restrictive than what I'm trying to get at.
denis_berthier wrote:re'born wrote:denis_berthier wrote:It may be the case that one will prove some day that a known technique subsumes (i.e. is more general than) xyt-chains, but this has not yet been done and, as long as this hypothetical technique is more complex than xyt-chains, I don't think it will be a sufficient reason for forgetting about xyt-chains.
Without understanding xyt-chains I only say this as speculation, but I think that a technique that subsumes xyt-chains is subset counting. aeb's extended subset principle gives a very short proof of what I do in my thread and it extends quite easily to xy-chains (discontinuous or continuous) with repeated links.
I don't know if subset counting subsumes xyt-chains, but, if such was the case, you'd still have to show that it is not more complex if you want to have it replace xyt-chains.
For the player (and this is the Players Forum), more general very rarely means better.
As evidenced by my other posts, I have no desire to replace xyt-chains. As has been known around here for some time, although the principles of subset counting are ALS are easy to understand, spotting times when they apply is drastically more difficult. Any pattern that can help me find more, I am very happy to study, use and promote.