Windmill Windoku X - Moderate 03

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Windmill Windoku X - Moderate 03

Postby novi » Thu May 12, 2011 7:30 pm

Only 29 givens!
Sudoku_Windmill_Windoku_X_Moderate_03.png (25.97 KiB) Viewed 2593 times
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Re: Windmill Windoku X - Moderate 03

Postby dyitto » Thu May 12, 2011 8:16 pm

One separate topic for each puzzle??
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Re: Windmill Windoku X - Moderate 03

Postby novi » Thu May 12, 2011 9:07 pm

Each post is restricted to 3 attachments so I did the first puzzles as seperate posts. If that is a nuisance I will group them more together.

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Re: Windmill Windoku X - Moderate 03

Postby dyitto » Thu May 12, 2011 9:37 pm

This forum has 442 topics, so if you plan to post 442 puzzles ... :mrgreen:
There's still Imageshack by the way
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Re: Windmill Windoku X - Moderate 03

Postby RW » Tue May 17, 2011 11:24 pm

Thank you for another nice puzzle. This felt a bit harder than the first moderate puzzle, had quite a bottle neck at one point (or then I just missed something obvious). But it's only a good thing that they are challenging.

The diagonals were now dark enough, very well visible on the printout, but not too dark.

Out of curiosity, how do you define the difficulty? What techniques are supposed to be required in a moderate puzzle? It seemed to me that not much more than locked candidates were required, which of course still can quite be hard when several (across several subpuzzles) need to be accounted for in non pm solving. I did use a few more advanced moves but I'm not sure if these would have been necessary.

Just noticed that you also posted "Moderate 02". Have to tackle that next. :)

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Re: Windmill Windoku X - Moderate 03

Postby novi » Fri May 20, 2011 3:40 pm

Moderate means the most difficult level that requires no guessing. To say it a funny way, it is the hardest of the easy levels.
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Re: Windmill Windoku X - Moderate 03

Postby BryanL » Mon May 30, 2011 4:54 am

RW wrote:Thank you for another nice puzzle. This felt a bit harder than the first moderate puzzle, had quite a bottle neck at one point (or then I just missed something obvious). But it's only a good thing that they are challenging.

Out of curiosity, how do you define the difficulty? What techniques are supposed to be required in a moderate puzzle? It seemed to me that not much more than locked candidates were required, which of course still can quite be hard when several (across several subpuzzles) need to be accounted for in non pm solving. I did use a few more advanced moves but I'm not sure if these would have been necessary.

novi wrote:Moderate means the most difficult level that requires no guessing. To say it a funny way, it is the hardest of the easy levels.

Hi RW, Novi,

Both the moderate 02 and 03 were completely solvable by singles alone (didn't note the first one). Of course a house intersection or a naked pair may stand out over a hidden single, but singles were enough.

RW, if you like these, I suggest you try dyitto's puzzle. Heaps tougher, requiring a lot of house intersections (not just line box/window - there are box/window and the implicit and diagonals to consider), naked and hidden tuples (up to naked quads and hidden triples if I recall), an X-Wing or two, lots of X-Chains (I was using X-Colours) and one UR - even right to the end there were hidden pairs and more to finish some of the grids, not just a run of singles.
If you want a graphic to get you started I will post one. I use 'dot' notation for PMs when there is not a lot of room for numbers. Let me know and I will post one with PMs or just the givens.

I am off to try Novi's very hard and extreme next...


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Re: Windmill Windoku X - Moderate 03

Postby RW » Tue May 31, 2011 10:09 am

BryanL wrote:Both the moderate 02 and 03 were completely solvable by singles alone (didn't note the first one). Of course a house intersection or a naked pair may stand out over a hidden single, but singles were enough.

In my case any intersection, hidden pairs/triplets and UR's (which are very rare in these puzzles) stand out over naked singles. It is very possible that there has somewhere been a naked single when I've been doing a lot of more "complicated" stuff.

BryanL wrote:RW, if you like these, I suggest you try dyitto's puzzle. Heaps tougher, requiring a lot of house intersections (not just line box/window - there are box/window and the implicit and diagonals to consider), naked and hidden tuples (up to naked quads and hidden triples if I recall), an X-Wing or two, lots of X-Chains (I was using X-Colours) and one UR - even right to the end there were hidden pairs and more to finish some of the grids, not just a run of singles.
If you want a graphic to get you started I will post one. I use 'dot' notation for PMs when there is not a lot of room for numbers. Let me know and I will post one with PMs or just the givens.

Sounds like an interesting puzzle! If you have a graphic (also showing the windows and diagonals) without PM's that would be helpful. I never use any kind of markings when solving.

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Re: Windmill Windoku X - Moderate 03

Postby BryanL » Tue May 31, 2011 11:46 am

RW wrote:I never use any kind of markings when solving.

I could never do that. If using pen and paper I will do what I can first but will always need PMs...


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Re: Windmill Windoku X - Moderate 03

Postby dyitto » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:22 pm

BryanL wrote:RW, if you like these, I suggest you try dyitto's puzzle. Heaps tougher, requiring a lot of house intersections (not just line box/window - there are box/window and the implicit and diagonals to consider), naked and hidden tuples (up to naked quads and hidden triples if I recall), an X-Wing or two, lots of X-Chains (I was using X-Colours) and one UR - even right to the end there were hidden pairs and more to finish some of the grids, not just a run of singles.

Actually it should be only pointing pairs, hidden/naked subsets and group-interactions (locked subsets).

Also I improved the pdf:
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